Friday, January 29, 2010

Successful Job Search: Mama Said It had to Be Days Like This --

You are happy humming, religiously looking for work on a daily basis, feel positive and confident and enthusiastic. Then wake up one day and not have the energy to get out of bed. But the sun can suddenly your world seems to be gray and gloomy. It seems that anything that one does, is always where you want and you just do not have the inner strength to continue.

Do not fight it. Accept and expect. Job search is terribly demandingemotionally and mentally. It will wear you drain your enthusiasm and get exhausted, depressed and apathetic. No one can hit on all cylinders every day. Occasionally break the body and mind demand, or they are by refusing to obey your call to start power.

Go with the flow by looking at the need to pause. Let's develop the day seems natural for you. If you want to stay in bed all day, do it - and enjoy it. If you watch TV all day, orgo to the mall to do it without guilt or self-reproach. If you putter in the garage, or take a bath, eating or just want everything in the house, let himself go.

Reframe your view of "I should be looking for work instead of lazy" to "I need this break to get myself back together." Enjoy your day, you know, almost insolent, that it was a wake up call to take care of itself, an important activity in and of itself. Without such an occasional break to wear down, burnoff, and crashed in flames.

Able to recognize your inner self, when you are ready to jump back into the fight.

Job job job


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