Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Multitasking, overworked? Be glad that you have a job

Life has changed much for most American workers at their place of employment.
It used to be that the role of the worker to a "modern" assembly line at only one screw turning, and only to do nothing that told them to do the middle management and anything else. This is certainly not the case. Not with globalization pushing multitasking, longer working hours and the setting will be glad that you have a job. "

The chain of command has changed. Now fastOnslaught of information is now available for all employees. It is amazing, the rapid pace of technological change and progress. The competitive pressures of globalization have combined to result in unpredictable staffing needs. Fundamental changes in the workplace in relation to the structures of most organizations and companies has occurred.

The shift away from top-down management company directed towards "flat" or "horizontal" management organizations. TheseHorizontal organizations are managed as a "team-oriented to be." In many cases it is the discretion and responsibility of the low man on the totem pole on the left - this is the "front" is employed. . It is the front of workers, particularly, stands in the foreground. Those who instinctively knows the customer's needs, demands and preferences? The front of the worker is one who is able to respond quickly and without delay.

Companies have changed. Customers are in aAble to "know". Companies can not buffalo, they give lame excuses or more. There are many options. And this option can a person on the phone, going well in Bangalore, India or Manila or Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although one can say that the person can answer the phone in India were born in a mud hut these workers and their systems are strictly first class.

The questions will be answered promptly and professionally in a good technical fashion. WhenQuestion can not be treated, the caller quickly to a higher administrative level at which a person who has more authority, which solves the problem over. In the worst case, the caller will be politely informed that he or she is out of their warranty period. Contrast that to an uppity tech support person in the industrialized world, "which takes you to a 15-tech-support cue, so you can say that you speak the privilege to" tier 2 level have " be. Good luck. And thissacrosanct people think they live in sheltered worlds. Look at the American automotive industry as a foretaste of the new protection in the real world of globalization.

. The information is now much faster from almost anywhere in the world and from almost anywhere in the world of the workers at every level. Some even say that the pace too fast and there is often no time for proper counseling and consultation before decisions are made. Faxes, emails, mobile phones, SMS,Blackberries bear to give this mixture.

As such, the current trend is not only more timely results, but also for larger ones. Complex workloads. Multitasking is the magic word. And it gets worse. Not only for the middle management level, its role in the transmission of information up and down the table from the top management of day laborers "on the line." And then once again up and down again to the rules. Middle management has been circumvented. Become superfluous and are not a genuineuse. However, it is even worse and more demanding for the front line workers who previously its limit. It is now not only a reflection, but a reality in the marketplace by competitors who have successfully outsourced and we now have the forces of competition on the continent, just to stay in the game or the market, so to speak. American consumers, who speak as employees themselves and be abused to have no qualms about by globalization itself, or realize the longTerm results of their own preferences for the purchase of goods by outsourcing production. Goods in retail chains like Wal-Mart dominated by Costco. And the viscous circle is just beginning. .

In the end it is the ability to solve problems quickly to be creative, to use technology to increase productivity and multiple priorities, a substantial part of the new management team, together with a willingness to work longer but more flexible to work to manage.

Job job job


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