Friday, March 30, 2012

Jobs on Oil Rigs For Women - The Truth About the Rig Industry

Traditionally a male dominated industry, jobs on oil rigs are becoming increasingly popular with women looking to further their chosen career or just keen to get a job offshore that offers amazing pay and some pretty impressive holiday benefits.

There is no doubt that rigs are difficult places to work whatever your sex. Extreme conditions and dangerous, difficult, physically demanding jobs make life on the rigs a challenge. Despite their increasing popularity, women are still a minority in where jobs on oil rigs are concerned. A rig of 200 might expect to see 3-5 women crew members.

What jobs are suitable?

Well, the simple answer is that depends on your physique. If you're used to lifting 100kg blocks all day, fine with heights, willing to put your fingers (and your life) at risk everyday then every job is suitable. However, if that's not you, firecrews and first aiders are an excellent jobs on oil rigs for women.

What can I expect as a woman on the rigs?

1. Rightly, there will be no exceptions made for the fact that you're female. That means you'll work as hard as the men, some women say that they work harder to try and prove themselves and this isn't uncommon.

2. Expect some sexism. This is a generalisation but it's bound to be present with such a massive percentage of men to women. You'll need to be tough and stand your ground and prove yourself.

3. Expect some attention. Rig workers are on the rigs for long periods at a time with no other female company. You'll be likely to get a lot of attention so you'll need to be able to carry yourself and take the stick you'll get on the chin. Thick skin is a great attribute.

Go prepared, get as much information as possible, and keep smiling and your time on the rigs could become an amazing career. Make sure you speak to the experts for assistance on getting the job you deserve fast.

I'm Charlie Harrington and I specialise in finding people their next (or their first) oil rig jobs Find out what jobs on oil rigs are suitable for you and start earning the salary you deserve today.



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