Networking - How and Why
Are you frustrated with the ineffective activity advertised for participation in events will be a unique opportunity to meet business people with whom you do business? The result, more often than not, is a handful of business cards to put in a drawer without follow-up by you or another person.
Entrepreneurs have to naivety of the people, how to get more clients / customers, enabled by the networking in a business to achieve - BMI of Le Tip and Meet-Up. However, people are notConducting more business and make more money than those who have never been to a "networking" event. The question is, of course, why? Most people do not understand, influence the complex psychology of high net worth clients, accountants or other centers.
Networking events are your most important customer is missing. Networking events are with those who do not know how to influence network with people stacked. So, you are meeting with people who seek only to "for sale". Thisundermines your credibility as a true professional. You must remember, goes back to the old school networking method.
The old school networking method is based on learning the psychology of the recommendations. You must be a set of skills and a process that will help you position your referrals from strength ... any weakness experienced. This approach reflects the core attitudes and characteristics of top customers. It calms their fears and create referral resonates with their own self-perception of intelligence,Professionalism and success.
Old school networking begins by someone, could the person you need to buy a goal, something to know or collect information related to achieve.
For example: In 1985 I was on a management and organizational consulting job with a major bank in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that just a merger. My phone rang. The caller introduced himself - "This is Robert Jones (not his real name) I am the president of XYZ BankKansas City, MO. Her name was given to me as the best person to contact in Tulsa. "(Flattery works, but be careful. It might come across as dishonest. Who gave him my name long since forgotten.)
What can I do for you, Robert? I asked. My wife was recently transferred into a dream job in Tulsa. It was a job that she would not refuse for their career, so I am on the day the spouses together. Seeking a new opportunity in the banking industry in Tulsa. I do not need to be president,Head of a department in a large bank of interest. Our conversation continued. Although, I did not all know to find him, I suggested he send his resume. His resume was impressive. I have his CV to two Division VP Bank in Tulsa. Both agreed he had an impressive work of history, and she would keep an eye on him if they have something appropriate to the situation with his background. Three weeks later I received a call from a headhunter in Tulsa, I knewunder the consulting contract. She called because she was looking for a candidate for a Tulsa bank, a new president needed to do a turn in order. Was I the last person she would think to call, too? No, why? Because I work at a large bank, I am in a center of influence in the industry, it is the hope of finding a candidate. Of course I told her of Robert Jones. Of course I would not say that the history unless it was a home run away. In fact, Robert was offered and accepted the jobtwo months after his first call to me. August, 1986, I moved to New York, Robert and I kept in touch.
Three years later, when Robert me because he was so good job turning around the bank did not need him and his position was, had done a Division VP given that they wanted to be a promotion. I knew the manager of Tulsa of the Government Resolution Trust Corp. managed and organized, to resolve the savings and loans debacle. I suggested to the Robert TulsaManager. He got a job in Tulsa with the Resolution Trust Corp. We are no longer in contact, he would have retired.
You have heard the cliché, it's not what you know, it's who you know. Of course, intelligence, skills, talent, experience and standing. The bottom line is, you need to develop relationships with influential people.
If you are a network of people you need to develop a list of twenty names in four categories, or to create the others know,That in areas that you need to influential contacts. Twenty names is all that you have a well-organized network, and sanded. List of five names in different areas: Personal, Professional, Community and People of Influence.
• Personnel: country clubs, organizations, sports, golf, sailing, traveling, skiing, hair-stylist/barber (she knows that) many people, etc.
• Professional: colleagues, competitors, suppliers, accountants, lawyers, professional associations, etc.
• Community: Clubs, CivicOrganizations, religious community, chambers of commerce, local entrepreneurs - cleaning, etc.
• People of Influence: politicians, the University Career Center, students / society, high school or college friends, etc.
• Do research: Google, local newspapers, local newspaper, magazine, WSJ, hobby publications, and more.
• Identify twenty people want to be named - you will find a link to the referral will receive ..
• Identify twenty people on yourReferral list the people relate to them ..
• Last but not least, quid pro quo is a very honored and accepted networking strategy. Use it well ..
It has been said that a well designed network means that we have only two calls or less to make - you know someone who the right person or the right person.
Although, I would not as the person to contact Robert in his job search, I am a proper 'old school' networkerand I worked in the industry, he was interested in finding a position. Moreover, since I was in Tulsa less than a year, I would say I was the last person to get to. Nevertheless, I was the one who had the right to contact him on the right job, not one, but twice.
If there is a moral of the story, it is this "old school" Networking works.
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