Monday, February 1, 2010

If you lose your job - to go from here? Part 1

Losing the job as a blow to come, regardless of the circumstances. Even if a group of people are put off because the company is in financial difficulties or reduced for any other reason, it feels more personal. And that's because it is very personal to you.

For most people, losing a job has, as soon as possible to keep the money flowing in and the bills are paid replaced. Some are a little more luck and have savings that they have electricity for a few months or years,while others have a partner who is well paid and they will be exposed to any financial hardship.

But concerns for the majority, regardless of money, caused the loss of employment a decline of confidence, with some people still seriously concerned about their chances of re-employment.

So what should you do if it happens to you?

First make sure your finances are sorted out. If the company does not mention redundancy or severance pay, check out yourClaim. Then apply for government assistance. This will vary from country to country, and you should inform your local employment office or Job Center to contact to find out what you need to do. You can also provide advice on retraining and job search. To ask for that, while you're there.

Do not waste too long, drowning your worries. It is a good idea to take a few days to relax and recover from the shock, but do not do it for too long. If youafford to take time out to use it to think seriously about your next train. It is a good opportunity to reassess your career and think, perhaps, a new direction.

If money is an issue, the sooner you get started on your search for a new job, the better. But we are sure that no place which offers you accept. It could take the time to find the right job, and if you need money quickly to consider temporary work or at least a job that will offer useful underSkills.

Job job job


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