Sunday, February 28, 2010

Myths and misconceptions about Job Hunting

To carry out effective job search, you need to know what you are looking for, why you are seeking and how to do it. There are some common myths and misconceptions to be, so that your job remains aware while on the right track.

o After college, jobs are simple: you should not expect that you have jobs immediately after graduation. It will take time for you to find a good job. The fact is that some people are luckywhile others must wait longer. You must have patience - on average looking for a suitable job takes 3-4 months. Do not waste your time just waiting. Until you find a good job, try working in a smaller, at least in part-time. It can not pay you so much, but it will at least keep you occupied.

o Putting your application over the Internet means more to offer: It's not always true. Think about what you have to go through recruiters. You get more than one hundred applicationsEveryday life, and it is definitely possible for them to examine each and every one of them. The best advice here is to personalize your resume to the requirements of the task that you meet to apply.

Classifieds o represent the majority of jobs: I agree - ads in the newspapers and the Internet to do good business vacancies, but not all of them. The jobs offer a great location and a huge salaries are not advertised as a rule, everywhere. This requiresfor some savvy networking. Do not try to approach companies, even if it is not advertised opening, and do not forget to leave your resume with them. If there be an open, proactive, you can arrive for an interview a call.

o Job-hopping is bad: This is a very common misconception that everyone seems to believe. Although these uses, a fact a few years ago, but now the mentality of the average employer is changing. Changing jobs frequently was once regarded as an instabilityCharacter. But now it's okay to change the contract after one year, as it now shows your ambition to learn and advance in your career.

o If you are older than 50 years it's over: This problem can never be a problem as long as you provide the right training, relevant experience and the right attitude. Having the right attitude means, open to new ideas, team spirit and contribute to the company.



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