Monday, February 1, 2010

Job Interviews - How to explain poor grades

I have a below-average academic record. What should I tell employers when they ask about my grades?


This is usually only an issue for young graduates. The chances are good that you will not be placed on your grade point average (GPA). Most employers simply want to know if you graduated. So, do not bring your GPA, have it on your resume.

But be ready when you are asked about this in an interview. Here's how:

First rule: Do not lie about Her grades.

Second rule: Enter (a short statement) no excuse, and then focus on your strengths.

Selected Answers:

1. "I have not been focusing on my classes during my first two years, and although I improved after the early grades put on my overall average. I believe that what I have since learned has enabled me to be an ideal candidate for your position. For example ... "[Talk about a remarkable accomplishment that's relevant> Job].

2. "I wish I could give you a good reason for my low academic ratings from four years ago because they do not reflect my current work ethic. I'm a different person now, and I'm sure my comments will back that up. For Example ... "[Talk about a remarkable achievement that is relevant to the job].

3. "My grades suffered because I get bored with the theory. I scored higher marks for the practical courses and hands-on lab work, which I feel is very important ifit comes to do the type of work in this position is necessary. For example, I was drawing in. .. "[Lecture on the courses that are relevant to the position].

4. "I fell a few classes during my second year due to personal circumstances for some time. These have been solved long ago, and I'm curious name of my knowledge and skills for graphic design [using a force which is related to the position] to your company create the best marketing materials in the industry ... "[name of a destinationThe company is] probably have to.

5. "I had some trouble juggling my studies with ..." [give reason to pay such as: Working a full-time job, my way through school, or to support my family, dealing with a personal or family illness, etc.]. "That's no excuse. It really helped me on the importance of time management and multitasking to learn. This came in handy during my work XYZ Company, where I ..." [talking] from a corresponding output.


Only talk about bad grades when you ask for it. Do not shift the blame, make no excuses. Only briefly on the situation, a negative effect on your grades, and then focus on your abilities and skills as they relate to the position for which you are applying for.

Be confident and enthusiastic. After all, if you did it to the interview, you're already ahead of most other candidates! The selection is how well you sell yourself during the basisInterview not how well you studied in school. Tell them how to help their businesses, and they forget all about your grades!

Job job job


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