Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good Paying Jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan - Get the Facts

Sure the economy is bad and a lot of people are out of work but the fact remains that there are still plenty of good paying jobs out there. Take jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan for instance, where war and strife have left so much devastation in their wake.

They Have the Money

At last count Iraq had well over eighty billion dollars in their surplus accounts to pay for rebuilding. Bear in mind thats only the money in surplus and doesn't take into account future oil revenues that are due to come in.

Low Tech and High Tech Jobs

After decades of neglect under the regime of Saddam Hussein, many of those years under an oil embargo, Iraq's massive oil infrastructure is in dire shape. This means years and possibly even decades of well paying jobs for pipe fitters, electricians and welders just to name a few.

Private Security Workers

Then of course, there are the jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan that involve private security. Right now there are over 200,000 private security workers in Iraq alone and as rebuilding in Afghanistan steps up so too with the need for private security workers there as well.

Prepare in Advance

The first thing that you need to do if you are serious about landing a well paying job in Iraq and Afghanistan is to get a passport and get your resume in order. Also, it doesn't hurt to learn a little of the native language as well as some of their customs.

Look Online

Then get busy looking online, because that is where you are going to have your best chances at finding one. Also, bear in mind that these types of jobs often require that you commit yourself to an extended contract, so give it plenty of thought before you sign on.

Written by Derek Drekland. I encourage you to visit my website to find more info on high paying overseas jobs plus jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan



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