Sunday, March 25, 2012

Welding Jobs That Pay the Most

Underwater welders and those who are qualified to weld , inspect welds, or teach welding overseas in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan generally  make more money than any other welding job. But aside from underwater welding and overseas welding jobs, a skilled welder with his own rig and who can pass any welding test has a better chance of the highest pay. There have even been reports of pipe welders with their own rig making $100 per hour at times.

But not everyone is ready to run their own rig. Some welders just prefer to make a good hourly wage using someone else's materials and equipment without the responsibility and headaches that come with running your own welding business.

For those welders who fall into this category, here is list of the best paying welding jobs:

  • UAW Union Journeyman Tool and Die welders can make up to 30 dollars an hour.

  • Certified union pipe welders with the UA (United Association of pipefitters and plumbers) this includes pipeliner welders (even though they are definitely a different breed) are among the highest paid welders.

  • Certified union  boilermaker welders make a good hourly wage.

  • So do Certified union shipyard welders.

  • Aerospace/Aviation welders who work for an Airline command a good wage ($25-30 per hour plus benefits)

How much  welding jobs pay all depends on demand, location, and how strong the union contracts are. Right to work states tend to pay less.

Some other high paying welding jobs are:

Building and metal trades such as in the Ironworkers, Millwrights, and sheet metal workers. (and even the Carpenters and Electricians have some welders.)

You may have noticed the word "union" sprinkled in an awful lot. There is a good reason for that...It is because some things never change. Union jobs pay better. Plain and simple. If you want to get the highest paying welding jobs, do what you need to to get in the union.  Sure, you may have to travel, work in remote areas, work in rough conditions, and sometimes even around some rough people.

Having said that, its still worth it.

For more articles on subjects like the Shortage of Welders and for lots of Down and Dirty TIG, MIG, STICK welding tips along with a pantload of other welding information, visit



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