Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Reject a Job Offer Politely

Is it really that hard to reject a job offer? Well, for some, it could be easy, but for others, it could be very difficult. The ultimate ingredient for rejecting a job offer politely can be summed up in this article.

Here are some of the most effective ways to reject a job offer:

1. Be honest with your reasons - Always be honest during declination or rejection of a job offer. Employers can really sense how truthful you are. Never lie in any company. This will just bring you in so much trouble. Be honest with your reasons or else you may be blacklisted by certain companies. Rejecting a job offer is not bad. If it is really beyond your capabilities and abilities, then you should be honest with it. Always decline an offer politely and gracefully so that it will be easier for you to go back in that same company anytime. This can eventually tighten your profile in the future.

2. Be thankful and be appreciative for the offer - Always be thankful that the company has chosen to give you a job offer out of the many candidates that are dying to be in that position. Always remember how to be grateful in anything. You should consider it as one of your great blessings. Although you are not capable of accepting the job, it is still important that you show great respect to the company's offer. Be appreciative and be apologetic. Some people can be very rude. They tempt to avoid phone calls and emails from certain employers.

3. Be firm with your decision - Be firm with your decisions all the time. If you choose to reject and decline a job offer, then you should show your employer that you are really true about rejecting it. Be firm with your reasons and never ever assume nor pretend. Never give false reassurance such as stating false hopes that maybe; you will be joining the company in the near future. Always be firm. You do not have any right to fool any company that offers you big time.

Declining a job offer can be one of the toughest decisions you will ever make in your entire life. You really need a lot of courage and confidence to face a company that offers you something good. Well, you definitely know who you are. If you are not really that interested, then you can reject it in a nice and polite way.

Elizabeth is a passionate writer. She has been writing online articles for three years now. You can check out her latest article luggage suitcase and Dakine luggage on her website.



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