Career Opportunities in Accounting
Accounting is known to be the study of how businesses keep track of their income and assets over a period of time. There are a lot of things one can learn from a career in accounting. One of the most important lessons is learning how businesses work. To point out, one of the many successful businessmen were previously accountants who decided to work their way in business. Why? It is because accounting is the language of business. Accounting is the system, which quantifies business activities, transforms information into reports and communicates the output to top level management. So, here are some of the career options in accounting.
Public Practice. One may start his or her career in accounting as a public accountant. These are accountants who render services with a fee as well as staff accountants employed by them. Public accountants coordinate or work in partnerships, which offer their accounting services to individuals, businesses and governments. However, one should be a certified public accountant to be able to practice individually or as members of public accounting firms. The work of public accountants includes auditing, taxation and management advisory services. It should be noted that public accounting has been the frequently traveled path of most accountants as it provides excellent opportunities to achieve business experiences, which are multifaceted.
Education. Accountants may also be hired as researchers, professors or reviewers. These people make sure that there is continued development of the profession through making an effort to clear out and face emerging issues by doing research and distribute the obtained results to all.
Commerce and Industry. Any corporation whether big or small has an accounting group. The accounting group organizes and prepares financial statements; keeps track of costs, takes care of tax issues and works on international transactions. Over time in practicing accounting, one may be hired as vice presidents for the finance department. They could also be hired as chief accountants, cost accountants, internal auditor or budget officer. The responsibilities and the scope of the activities within this field of accounting vary widely dependent on the size of the company and the level of position.
Government Service. Accountants in the government service either work at the local or state level or the federal level. Government accountant manage and put together budgets, keep track of government costs and analyze programs of the government. Their work can improve the conditions of the public. However, there is higher tendency for it to be political; thus, their work is subject to bureaucratic impediment. The work of government accountants is very crucial. It is in government accounting that provides great development to a lot of organizations to controller and most probably to higher administrative positions. Government accountants are largely employed at the federal level. These include the Department of Defense, the General Accounting Office as well as the Internal Revenue Service.
So, there you go. Those were some of the myriad opportunities in the accounting profession. But one must always remember that success is not always attached to the accounting profession. If one wishes to attain success, one must work hard for it.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Accounting
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very informative news about career in accounting. Thanks for sharing.
Accountants London
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