Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Truck Driving - A Career With Some Freedom

Some people can not stand the thought of working in an office or working somewhere where they have a boss constantly looking over their shoulder to make sure they are working. For these types of people the best kind of job or career field would be one where they have some freedom. One such career is that of a long haul truck driver. Truck drivers get to travel the open roads seeing the country with no one constantly looking over their shoulder.

Truck drivers do have dispatchers who make sure they are going to deliver their load on time so it is not 100% freedom, but not many jobs have that, unless you are the boss and have no one to report to.

Along with the freedom on the open roads, truck drivers (in general) will always have job security in that their job is one that can never be outsourced to some other country. Someone will always have to deliver food and products to stores and supplies to companies otherwise the economy would just stop.

Starting a career as a truck driver does not take that long. In fact, some truck driver training programs can be completed in just a few weeks, while others may only take a couple of months. As drivers are in demand finding a job should not be that difficult.

Drivers can earn pretty good money and they don't even need a college degree. Long haul truck drivers usually start earning in the mid thirty thousand dollar a year range with experienced drivers potentially earning considerably more money. Long haul drivers usually get paid by the mile. The amount they earn per mile is usually based on factors such as a driver's experience and the type of load they are hauling. Their safety record may also be a factor with some companies.

If you are searching for a career with some freedom, maybe you should consider a truck driving career! This is one career you can enter fairly quickly by completing your truck driver training from a school in just weeks.



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