Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Job Search Tips - 7 Tips to Help You Find a Job

If finding a job hasn't been something you focused on until recently there's a chance that you could make a mistake in your job search. It's easy to overlook little details when learning anything. But when you make a mistake while searching for a job, you could lose your chance to have a job. Here are seven things to keep in mind as you look for a job.

  1. Have reliable contact information. Make sure the phone number on your resume is correct. Check your voicemail message to make sure it's professional sounding. And use a professional looking email address.

  2. Make sure your resume is outstanding. There little room for error when searching for a job. Does your resume communicate everything a potential employer needs to know?

  3. Make sure your resume is current. Don't just dust off your last resume. Consider starting from scratch and write a new one. Styles may have changed since you last used your resume.

  4. Make sure your resume is targeted to each job. Every resume you send out should be written for the specific job you're applying for.

  5. Network. Make sure you're on LinkedIn and start making connections. Check your Facebook profile to make sure it looks good. That's the easy part. Next, join some real world groups like Toastmasters and any industry specific group in your area.

  6. Have references ready. Let your usual references know that you're looking for a job and that they may be getting calls soon. Tell them over lunch. Be sure to pick up the check.

  7. Prepare for a job interview. Don't just practice interview questions and answers. Check your wardrobe and have one or two sets of clothes for interviews. Have hard copies of your resume and reference sheet ready to go.

It's not easy finding a job. Keep these tips in mind as you search and you'll keep the mistakes to a minimum and find a job fast.

Do you send out bad cover letters and resumes over and over again? That action will get you nowhere. A bad resume will keep you in the unemployment line or in a bad job. You need a great resume and cover letter to get a job interview. Do you have a great resume? Do you need one? You can write a resume and cover letter that will make the phone ring. Watch my video Let's Talk About Resumes at http://www.yourresumehelper.com and find out what I think when I read resumes from people looking for a job. Or visit http://www.fastresumetips.info to find out how to quickly create a winning resume.



Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for sharing this job search tips.

Job Search

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