Monday, September 5, 2011

Does Personality Affect Career Paths?

It's common knowledge that different personality types are well-suited for different types of careers. After all, you spend the larger part of your day doing your job, of course you want it to be one that your personality is well suited for!

One of the best indicators of personality is the Myers Briggs indicator, which measures your personality in four separate domains. You can be Introverted or Extroverted, Intuitive or Sensing, Thinking or Feeling, and Perceiving or Judging. The four combine to give you a four letter indicator of your personality type.

Because of the fact that these indicators tell you not only the way that you perceive yourself and the world, but the way that you interact with yourself, with other people, and with situations, it can be a great indicator of what kind of career you should pursue. By finding out what kinds of careers other people with your same personality type - in other words, other people who perceive the world and interact with the world in ways that are quite similar to you - have found joy and fulfillment, you can get a fairly decent indicator of what kind of work might bring you joy and fulfillment, as well. After all, if they are so very similar to you, aren't they the absolute best people to tell you what you might find enjoyable?

When thinking about a possible career, make sure that you don't only take things like pay scale and demand in the marketplace into account. Of course getting a good paying job is very important, but it's also important to find fulfillment in life. Find out what your personality is, and what you might enjoy doing. Then you have another piece of information to factor into your decision!

Melanie Young is an author who has been writing articles about many and varied subjects for over ten years. She is interested in learning and teaching about all aspects of the world we live in. You can check out her latest website about getting a job from home at



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