Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Reasons Why Online Resume Job Search Strategies Hurt Your Interview Chances

You are having a difficult time getting an interview for a job despite your impeccable credentials. You think that maybe your resume is not capturing the employer's attention and are considering another professional re-write of your resume. Did you post your resume on several online job search sites?

If you answered "Yes" to the question, your online resume may be hurting your chances of securing that coveted interview.

Advertising your skills and experience when you arrive on the job market is understandable. You must inform employers that you are available to work for them. You desire the biggest megaphone available to communicate your message. The internet is the most effective form of communication. Joining job search sites is extremely convenient. Resisting the lure is not easy because there are major benefits to joining job sites.

  • Thousands of potential employers can view your resume.

  • No special skills are required. You can either copy/paste or upload your resume with a couple of clicks.

  • It is cost effective time-wise. It only takes a couple minutes to register, complete your profile, and upload your resume.

  • It is one stop shopping. You can purchase increased exposure or have a current resume professionally re-written.

Your selection between job search strategies is critical. The convenient, cost-effective job search strategy backfires from the starting gate from both a marketing and hiring standpoint. Passively posting your resume to an internet career site does not consider either marketing best practices nor does it address the employer's needs. It is critical to remember that you, the job seeker, are a product. There are over 14,000,000 unemployed in the US. Added to that number are people who currently have jobs but are seeking a change. If 10% of the unemployed have your identical credentials, you have 1,400,000 competitors for the same position.

You must entice the employer to want you instead of the other guy. You must become that one in a million golden opportunity. You need a superior job search marketing strategy.

Online resumes are a form of mass marketing. Mass marketing strategies ignores differences in consumer personal preferences and targets every one. The underlying assumption of the strategy is that the probability of a sale will increase if you advertise to a greater number of people.

Mass marketing is a widely used strategy to advertise generic products. Is there really any difference in the ingredients of cavity/tartar control, whitening toothpaste other than flavor? If you read the labeling, all toothpaste is pretty much the same. It doesn't matter if the toothpaste is a name brand or not. It comes down to perceived quality and price. Since toothpaste is a relatively inexpensive item, there is a lot of price competition. Mass marketing attempts to get people to remember a certain toothpaste by snazzy visuals and jingles the next time the consumer reaches for the toothpaste at the grocery store. All glitter, but no substantial difference.

Compare the mass market strategy to a niche strategy. How many advertisements have you seen for Maserati (car)? The highly prized car is advertised through extremely selective channels like Architectural Digest. Who actually reads Architectural Digest? The lesson here is that you must research extensively research and narrow your target market. What are employers looking for? What do they need? What is the organizational culture? How can I fit? Where do I fit? You must run the extra mile beyond understanding the basic job description if you are to capture an interview. You must use job search strategies that transform you into a Maserati in the employer's eyes and ears.

In today's economy, employers have the upper hand. There's no lack of available talent, so the employer can afford to be discerning. Employers want specifics. The pervasive essentials that employers look for are highly motivated, creative, high-achieving, extremely competent professionals possessing superior people skills. What does saturation strategy say about you? Consider that posting an online resume is:

  1. passive rather than active. You can be perceived as not motivated -- a do-er instead of someone who achieves.

  2. not particularly creative. It's basically a no-brainer. How many other people are relying on this same form of skills advertising?

  3. is quick and easy. Does this indicate that you are not particularly detail-oriented and are inclined to taking short-cuts in your work?

  4. does not solve the problem. Does an online resume indicate that you lack the initiative to explore alternative solutions to secure the interview?

  5. does not require people skills. You have not contacted the employer to explore job opportunities or present your case why hiring you would be a benefit to the company.

Online resumes do not address the employer's particular needs nor demonstrate why choosing you over the next guy will benefit the organization. It is an employer's market out there. Inattention to employer preferences in your job search strategy will put the nail in the coffin and effectively bury your chance of an interview.

Skylynne Wolverson
Follow my travels through unemployment. Insights to being jobless, the economy, and surviving the job-challenged state with observation, humor, and finding what you need to make it.



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