Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baseball Jobs - Just How Many Different Baseball Career Choices Are There?

I think I am going to aim for a career in baseball.

I've been thinking recently about my career path and what direction I should take. And a baseball job seems to now be stuck in my mind. I love the game, and if I was able to work in the baseball industry, I cannot ever imagine getting bored.

I wonder if it was this hard back in my father's day to decide on a career direction. It seems that in today's world the choices available now are so many and varied - it's been hard to know where to start.

I began by making a list of all the things that interest me in life. I listed where I spend my time, where my mind is mostly focused, what I am happy spending money on and what my friends and I most frequently talk about. And on my list - baseball was the common theme. So it seemed obvious that I should narrow my search down to a career somewhere in the baseball industry.

What amazes me now is just how many different types of baseball jobs there are. Certainly I don't have the skills to be a player, and without serious player skills I don't see myself as being worthy of a baseball coaching role either.

But after having a session with a baseball counselor, I really can now see myself working in ticket sales, maybe sponsorship sales and even perhaps later getting involved in endorsements and management. The irony of seeing the counselor is that counseling is in fact the baseball job I want most of all.

So I am now mapping out my career path with certain stepping-stones along the way which all together will build up my skills and experience - to be a better counselor. I've decided to get involved with the field crew and at the operational level where I will be close to the action and on the inside. And then from the inside seek out the right opportunities to broaden my experience.

I can see that after then, within a few years, I can gravitate toward player development and counseling. And later in life, perhaps then I will get more hands on with sponsorship sales and endorsement management.

What was confusion to me is now an exciting future outlook. I really do feel happy and excited now, and I am very much looking forward to a career in baseball.

Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, author and SEO Professional. If you are interested in a career in baseball, please visit Baseball Jobs



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