Stuck in a Job Search Rut?
It happens. You get all pumped up to look for a new job, get your resume and cover letter all spruced up and then...nothing. How do you put the excitement back in your job search?
Remember Why You're Job Hunting
It's easy to forget why you felt it was important to look for a job in the first place. You get in a 'job search grind' and can't seem to muster up the enthusiasm you had when you first started job hunting.
So how do you get some of that 'I want a better job' attitude back? Remember what you don't like about your current job. Are there specific tasks or responsibilities that you don't want in a new job? Do you want to come home energized from the day and wanting to spend some quality time with your family instead of being completely deflated and in a bad mood?
Then picture yourself in the job that you want. That you really want. Think about what you would do in a new position and how that makes you feel. Does it get your adrenaline pumping with excitement? Hold onto that feeling.
The Monday Blues
You know what I'm talking about. It's Sunday night and you get this lump in the pit in the bottom of your stomach just thinking about going to work the next morning. It doesn't have to be that way. You honestly can be in a job and career that you enjoy and believe in.
So when you feel a lack of enthusiasm for your job search, remember that you're searching for an end to the workweek dread. Life is entirely too short to have a job that leaves you feeling anxious. Get out there and find a job that makes you feel good about yourself and look forward to each new week.
Picture Your Life in a New Job
Being in a career that you enjoy can enrich your life more than you can imagine. You're healthier, your stress levels decrease and you're relationships can improve dramatically. If you're pleasant to be around, then people will be drawn to you.
Maybe money is part of your incentive of finding a new job. So you can imagine what you would do with a nice raise, incentive or bonus. Pay off some debt? Buy something you haven't been able to afford? Need to save for your kid's college tuition? Whatever the case may be, envision it and make it happen.
>Your job search may not be the most exciting event that you'll go through but it is one of the most important. The more psyched you are, the more energy you'll have to look through job postings and send out your resume package. If you get bored with the whole process, your job search success could suffer. So keep your eye on the prize and you'll reach your goals more quickly and easily.
Heather Eagar is a former professional resume writer who is now dedicated to providing job seekers with resources and products that promote job search success from beginning to end. Grab your >free job search tips at

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