Sunday, September 11, 2011

Using Facebook in a Job Search - 4 Ways to Increase Your Chance of Finding a Job

Are you wondering if using Facebook in a job search is a good idea? LinkedIn, the professional networking site, is considered to be the primary networking site for a job seeker. However, I would definitely consider using Facebook in job search in addition to LinkedIn because Facebook is being used by employers to identify new employees.

Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter are designed to be social and free flowing like a conversation. While using Facebook in a job search, not everything you share should revolve around "I need a job!" Once or twice a week, mention interviews in a positive light, a company that you are researching, an article/ video you enjoyed, or a networking event experience. Keep your comments positive!

Try using these 4 key ways to find a job with Facebook:

1. Search a Target Company Name

When you are using Facebook in a Job Search, start with a search of the name of a company you are really interested in targeting for employment using the fill-in box at the top of the page. You may find a company Facebook page but you will also identify people who work with the company. If that individual is a friend of one of your Facebook friends...Network your way to information about the company and a possible job!

2. Search the Name of a Key Decision Maker

You have been on the company website and you have a list of some of the key players in the those names. You may find out some good information or find that you have a friend in common. By the way, the employers are searching you so make sure your Facebook pages are clean of damaging information to your job search.

3. Find Other Professionals of Your Type

When you are using Facebook in a job search mode, it is a great way to connect with other professionals across the country in a more casual platform than LinkedIn. Search your professional title and you will find individuals and groups for your area. This is a great source for networking and information gathering.

4. Identify People from Past Educational Endeavors

Many people miss this great way to expand on their professional network and to find a job using Facebook. At the bottom of the Facebook page is a tiny link titled "Find Friends." Click on the link and search individuals who graduated from your school and program.

Social Media is geared toward what is happening "now" so assuming that communicating your unemployed status one time is enough, usually is not. Think about being a reminder bell without moaning about unemployment.. Your contacts get busy so continuing to have a presence in social media will remind them of you and your situation. As an example, one week a Facebook friend may have no leads and then two weeks later has a great lead.

Facebook is a great resource for the job seeker if used correctly. Next, get more creative ideas for your job search and find out about a little known technique that is generating interviews by clicking here, using Facebook in a job search, and filling out the form.

Claire Solorio is a seasoned career/ business consultant. As a work at home mom, business owner and career consultant, she has extensive experience in coaching/mentoring and shows people how to leverage the power of the internet to build business and get jobs. Clear Consulting



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