Thursday, February 4, 2010

Health Insurance for Canadian Immigrants

One of the first things you want on arrival is valid for the health insurance cards for each member of your family. Applications are available at many locations, including doctors' offices and pharmacies. These cards allow you to receive care through the Canadian health insurance program for the following services:

• examination and treatment by doctors and most experts

• Many types of surgery

• Hospitalization

• X-ray and laboratory --Tests

• Vaccinations

You do not have to pay for these services, these expenses from the taxes you'll pay, as a working Canadian permanent resident covered.

In most provinces in Canada, you can begin to medical care as soon as you are applying. In Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and British Columbia, but you must wait 3 months from the date that you start for your reporting. In the meantime, short term health insurance available throughprivate companies.

You can also contact potential employers about their health insurance options as well ask. Many employers offer additional health insurance benefits that the expenditure, such as drugs and dental care.

Social Security Number

Before you start working in Canada, you must have a Social Insurance Number (SIN). This 9-digit number is used to give you the social benefits you are entitled to ensure, as a Canadian permanent residence and tothat you pay taxes to support these services.

Apply for a SIN, you should visit a local office of Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSD) to complete an application. You should also bring your Permanent Resident Card to prove your identity and your residence status.

The cost of the application is $ 10, and it takes about three weeks to receive your card.

You can start working before you, your SIN card, however. You only need toEnter your employer to prove that you have applied.


In most cases you will also want to start looking for work almost immediately. It is possible to have lined up a position before you opt for a permanent residence permit, but the chances are that you become unemployed, if you will arrive first.

Depending on the type of work, which lets you search, you must first apply for permission to engage in this profession. In Canada, some careers are classified asregulated area. These fields include doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. In order to obtain work in these areas, you must contact the legal office in the province where you want to work. The rules vary from province to province.

The supervisor is about your experience and references and then decide whether you need to take further steps to take their standards.

Some professions, such as carpenter or plumber shall be redefined as well.Therefore, you must make sure that you have the appropriate licenses before you try to work in these areas. Carpentry and plumbing, as well as 43 other professions, are called Red Seal trades. This means that the trading rules are the same in all provinces. Therefore, if you are a licensed welder in Quebec, you can also do this kind of work in New Brunswick without having to go through another assessment.

Fortunately, the majority of jobs in Germany are not regulated,so you can begin the search for a job in your chosen field as soon as you arrive.

One of the best ways to find, to a position in Canada is the job market to use service. This online site, you can take up to 3 staff profiles, which can be viewed by employers. You can also contributions made by employers across Canada. Daily newspapers in all provinces and job postings.

Job job job


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