Wednesday, February 3, 2010

5 Reasons I Hate Call Center Jobs

If you're ever in a call center, these 5 good reasons to be, it will probably work with you personally resonant. If you have never worked in a call center, they have their good and bad sides, like any industry. Here are my top 5 reasons why I hate call center jobs.

1. Bad hour.

If other people are at home at dinner, you're in the call center by them. I would much prefer to eat dinner and some other persons not to interrupt dinner. The reasons for call centerare usually between 4 pm and 8 pm are busy, because that is the time people start working from home. If you go to a sale, you need to get someone on the phone. Your best chance to do that in the morning is between 6:00 clock, so you are as a result most nights instead of working in a normal dinner.

2. Commissions make or break you break most of the time.

A day with great commissions, it is fun to go home, but a slow days when you do not, many peopleinterested in is terrible. It is bad to know that you worked a full shift and 25% less than the day before, and the great day you had last week. Working on Commission has always been fun for me to talk big because the $ 800 days and think about it. You rarely hear about the days that you do not sell everything and at $ 10.

3. Horrible managers and supervisors.

I have a few different industries operate and by far the worst managers and supervisors are in the callCenter industry. I do not know what it is about these people, but they are absolutely worst. They're idea of "constructive criticism, shouting," and to tell your colleagues. "Why can not you be more like Sarah?" Or behind the back, "I can not stand John. He's only been 3 weeks now and it feels like 3 years!" For some reason they think this is better than trying to help you better employees.

4. Poor working conditions.

If you thought Nike sweatshops in Mexico werebad, you have never seen the call center I have. Tiny dirty rooms, bad lighting, dirty and never vacuumed floors, overflowing trash can, etc. All because the managers want to (see point 3) does not spend a few dollars to pay someone to clean once a week. Instead, the phones operate at work are cleaning your workspace, so you do not vomit on the phone in front of you!

5. Monotonous day.

If you want to sell a particular product, every daysame. People scream, call again. People scream, keep calling. Every now and then, if someone buys your product, but it is rare. Most of the time people do not want to talk to you and that puts you in a bad mood. Such a bad mood that your friends and family do not really want to either. You can not expect your prospects on the type of day you had, so you put a smile and understand keep calling, and keep demanding, more demanding and calls ...

Well, that's what itreally looks like in a call center. If you have never had a call center job, you will not understand, but if the first task, they will come up 5 points in mind, and you will understand everything!

Job job job


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