Sunday, February 14, 2010

How many plates are spinning, you can find a job

Two fundamental truths about Job Search Success

Two fundamental truths about the job successfully include: you can not do it alone and we can not do it without tapping into your larger network. Far too many people rely on very few resources to start a search, and often they are the least effective.

A job search strategy is to ensure everything about your network stretching and that the most effective parts thereof, such asefficiently as possible. If you look for work, if you are a manager or an office are managers, believes it's true: your success will come when filling your intelligent activity with the right conditions.

The painful truth

So what's the first thing you need to do? Well, first, people need the people you need their help are told. Sounds easy, right? But for a significant number of job seekers is extremely difficult. Whether you have beendismissed, dismissed, or made a move on your own, it is not easy to talk to the ego. Everyone has their own way to it as I am "in between", "looking for something new," "a new challenge," interested, but the traditional phrase for managers is "to bring in transition" to express. I liked this phrase a lot, because it sounds like a passive (as you are) a victim. For me, a successful search is intelligent, proactive and confident.

Identify your plates

Your network canin micro-systems breakdown, from which all facets of your life. In my eyes, each of these networks as a micro-plates are considered to be spinning. They can be assessed, measured and spun at different speeds. But the first step is to identify them. Here are some of the major plates, which I turned when I was "are between" in 2007:

- Neighbors (you never know how many personnel managers live on your street until you ask)
- Guys on my softball team
- Key recruiters (an important micro-networkwhen used properly)
- Web search engines (Monster, Yahoo! HotJobs, yes)
- On line networking groups (like LinkedIn or Facebook)
- Church (here, the same comments apply about neighbors above)
- Career coach (not cheap, but incredibly valuable - especially if you spend the $ on top of your search
- Networking groups (check your local community or go to
- Parents of friends of my kids (soccer, 5th grade class, gymnastics, name you it)
- High SchoolFriends (yes, some of them still talk to me)
- My fellow students at Sigma Chi
- My spouse (if you are married, or any other good, you have no better person to talk to you up)
- (Former staff especially if you have a strong impression)
- Former provider for companies in (the stock price rises, if you land somewhere new)
- And on and on ...

After all the disks are detected, there are a few questions:

- How valuable are these plates (ieMicro-networks)?
- Can you help you directly or indirectly?
- How might they be motivated to help you?
- How many times have you spin them (eg, asking for help), to maximize burn their help, without a bridge?

So, what networks you have to in order to find the next big role? If you identify a similar for each of my categories above, give yourself an "A", if you 10-14, you pour yourself a "B". If you have 5-10, you will be OK, but unfortunately, that a "C". If youwith less than 5, you need a new strategy.

Job job job


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