Monday, February 15, 2010

How to choose a bank that is right for you and your business

Always support your success in a bank to apply for funding under certain circumstances, you must not depend on you choosing the right bank in the first place. Even if you do not intend to borrow any money initially, you should keep this possibility in mind when you are researching the market for the right bank.

With increased competition you can get some good deals if you are willing to look around. Nor do they give the banks that only offer telephone or InternetBanking for small firms. If your business is a very small and simple business only an Internet banking account is right for you.

Where, then you should look and what criteria you should find a bank for your small business?

Your existing bank

If the bank where you have your personal account, offering business banking facilities then this might be a good start. You already know their level of service (good or bad!)the layout of the branch, and perhaps some of the staff if you're in luck! This may be the whole process of opening a new account much easier.

But do not open your business account at the same bank simply because it is less trouble. You simply have to ensure that the services which are the business account to go, what to look for and correct to the cost.

A new bank

Even if you have a good relationship with the bank on which your personalAccount must not discount the chance to look around. One reason for the adoption of opening your business account at another bank is the complete separation between the two aspects of your life - your business and personal life.

Consider whether you want an institution complete control over your business and personal finances. If you have a sticky patch in the economy through, you would feel comfortable with the bank to see what you sit on your savingsAccount?


If you have any preference for a specific bank location in your industry can be more of a priority, especially if you pay in a lot of money when a bank would be just around the corner, very useful.

Some companies have very simple needs when it comes to banks. If you can not handle large amounts of cash or checks and are happy about the phone banking or Internet location appears to be less of a problem! Butaware that there are the lack of a "real man" and would be a disappointment if you have a big problem to resolve.

Go Hunting

If you have no specific bank in mind, or will you only the very best deal is always interesting to visit as many as possible so you can make an informed choice. Ask to speak to the manager and tell them you are interested in opening a business account and that you are looking for information.

The good will want to spend time with you to offerBrochures, talk through the process and the leaflets and inform you about their services. How you are treated at this early stage will be a good idea of how you dealt with later probably.

Now the chance for you to get over what services and benefits they offer to you to know your business. Ask questions such as

· Do they offer online banking or telephone banking?

· Do you want a named contact person? Or you will be provided by thedreaded call center?

· At what point are you able to apply for the loan and what are the terms and conditions?

· Do they offer help and support?

· What are the fees to work on the account?

• When you choose an account open with them, what information or application forms, such as ID, they will need from you to open the account?

· Do they offer an incentive to open as 12 to 18 months free banking?

Could you dealings with them?

If you do all your research did take some time to evaluate all the information you have gathered. Which bank offers the best deal? Which bank is the cheapest? Which bank offer the services or products best for your situation?

I did not mention probably the most important aspect for many business people - the person who is looking for you to sort your entry point, the things that go wrong! AskYourself whether you could be with him or her. A good relationship with your banker is of crucial importance.

And is your decision?

So, based on all of your knowledge, the Bank raises his head and shoulders above the rest? What you feel most comfortable? Make an informed decision on all the information you have gathered and then move into the next phase, which is based in fact your account was opened.

Robert Warlow
Small Business Success

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