Obama Promises $ 210 billion for Jobs
Democrat Barack Obama has promised that if he became president, he will spend $ 210 billion to create more jobs. It is a clever strategy that is destined to him had the victory of the economically disadvantaged part of voters to support up until now, Hillary Clinton supported.
Obama's proposal consists of two programs to be implemented over a period of ten years. Out of this, the greater would produce with $ 150 billion to 5 million jobs in the green area of alternative energyenvironmental benefit.
In addition to 60 billion U.S. dollars have been set aside in order to be placed in a national infrastructure reinvestment bank for the construction of roads, bridges, airports, and other civilian facilities. Obama has said that this would increase about 2 million jobs, mainly in the construction industry. "This agenda is paid for," said Obama.
The Republican National Committee, keen on projecting him as a tax and spender, has an online "Obama Spend-O-Meter monitor his online"Proposals. The money, Obama rationalized, would be secured by the end of the war in Iraq, slashing tax breaks for companies that are collected introduction of carbon pollution taxes and taxes on higher incomes.
Asked Obama, who was criticized for lack of specific policies, the workers at General Motors plant in Janesville, Wis., his apologies, saying his policy speech was the stirring speeches as a rule, otherwise unrelated to it. "Today I want to take ita notch, "he said." This is a speech that a little more detail. It is a bit longer, not as many applause lines. "
As he points out, often in the past, Obama has urged car manufacturers to the standard fuel consumption. But at the event, a day after General Motors said the loss of $ 38.7 billion for the year 2007, he refused to mention.
"I know that General Motors received some bad news yesterday," Obama said, adding: "I know howThey have made great progress, how many hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles you are churning. And I believe that if our government is there to support you and give you the support you need to re-equip and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years. "
Thanks to his victories in recent weeks, Obama is in a leading position as the likely choice for the Democratic nomination. He criticized Clinton, who now far behind him. He referred to their sharedConsultation with Republican candidate John McCain on the Iraq war. He drew comparisons between her and George Bush for an economic stimulus package that excludes emergency, but forgot to add that it was open to tax rebates.
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