Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Job Search Strategies - effectively with e-mail

Yes, email is everywhere and everybody complains about how much they get - but they do read. Therefore, e-mail must be an integral part of your job search campaign. However, must seek by e-mail in the process of the campaign a job to work with more thoughts and formality than most email communication shall be handled. Here are a few possibilities, e-mail to find the best next career step for you.

E-mail cover letter. Since almost allthe CV, the people will be delivered in electronic form, an e-mail, you will probably cover letter. Please treat it as just that a cover letter, no e-mail. Means that within the formal address and salutation, no cute abbreviations (LOL or BTW), and a proper closure. The tone of the letter must also have the formality of a business letter, not the casual informality that with the e-mail world is linked.

E-mail letter of thanks. Proper this conventionDays thank yous for a job interview or information session is a mix of email and mail. An e-mail should go on the same day as the interview or meeting for all she met. And everyone should be reflected in the content and refer to different, that the two of you discussed. This should be within no more than 48 hours, followed by a handwritten note on good quality paper smaller than 8 ½ x 11 It may sound exaggerated, but is usually very effective. If you interviewed by a panel, each panel member receives as a single interviewer handled.

Individual e-mail. Not only by e-mail is a good way to keep in contact with your network of friends and contacts, but it is keeping a simple and non-intrusive manner in touch with people you have only briefly spoken to. As people live longer and more online, we begin to feel as if we know the people we have actually never met face-to-face. This only increases the value of email in a job> Search Campaign. E-mail also answers the concern of many people by calling people on the phone because they do not want to "disturb her.

Bulk e-mails. If you hide your distribution, you can update your entire network on the progress of your job search in fairly large pieces. You can also use this method to determine whether all contacts in a company you have targeted. And be sure to send your entire network to an e-mail when your next countryPosition.

Persons found. Because of the increase in the number of social networking sites and their growing popularity among people of all ages and interests, it is now easier to find people online than ever before. Google the names of people you have lost contact, and if you do not find they are looking for in this way, a few of the social networking sites. Especially helpful for professionals is LinkedIn as FaceBook and MySpace each have well over 100 million registered users.

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