Thursday, January 21, 2010

High-paying jobs - Discover Instant Signs & warnings, makes your job May are over, Part 1

As of December 08, over 1 million jobs have been completed in 2008. And it goes on. Their high-paying job is in danger in any case, whether you know it or not. I have experienced the "downsizing" syndrome in my early high-paying job a few years ago, and the funny thing is, the warning signs are always the same. Sometimes it's unusual, but it is the same.

Some employees were not threatened in the least because they thought itthey would not happen. Do not you be like the other millions of victims to your high paying job just because your boss said: "do not worry too naive." While working hard for your family, always stay alert to know of this deadly signs at your high paying job then your position is in danger.

1. Resume building session. In my last months in my job, I witnessed a meeting of the society rather than resume building. Actually they were all teaching staffto prepare and build a resume for a change of career. I worked in a large bank for my high-paying career, and when I saw this happening, I find that my career was in jeopardy, even though the boss, "said not to worry." Follow your own lessons.

2nd job layoffs in other departments. If this is not a dull enough sign for you to realize just to please keep reading. If the other departments of your high paying job that starts the dismissal of an employee to create Extra surplus of income of the company, your department will be next. No matter how you ensure that your position and the department, perhaps, it is still unnecessary. No position is always guaranteed. Even the president of my former bank job I worked for was finally terminated, Wow!

I have friends of mine that I have seen talking on a day that go unnoticed and the next day they were gone. I have seen a new IT department at my high-paying job have an enormous> Job cut, and this department is to be well above all. Once again, is not guaranteed in the situation!

I warn all of you naive, high wage job to notice people take of the instant and warning signs, and plan ahead, to progress in your career, even if the choice of another high-paying job.

If you thought those were signs of your job in jeopardy, then read Part II, because it is hidden and not so obvious signs would not normally have to payAttention.

Job job job


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