Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hospitality Jobs - Job Hunting Myths

Here are some of the worst advice is still to job losses fighters in the application given to the employment. In today's modern times with the computer is so readily available, I enjoy the poorly trained, or even hand-written yet again there in the hands of recruiters.

Ask CV characterized by using colored paper. Recruiters were sent at once, with one exception was in color and in black and white. The advertisers thought that the color copycontain less information because they do not bother to read it. With color paper is a gimmick and does not work.

Put a photo on your resume. Research has shown that attractive candidate prior to a photo with their CVs are short listed more often as compared to resumes that contain identical information. Investigated, with over 600 applications of the research showed that of the 100 candidates short-listed did not include a photo.

Bullet points instead ofRates make your applications easier to read. It is not wrong to use phrases in your resume. With records can show your written communication skills and can be effective when applying for management positions. Be evaluated in the study recruiters the CVs with higher rates as compared to point again. If the agent is with what is going to read it, which continues to fascinate.

List hobbies and interests on your resume. With the exception of the schoolSchool leavers, forgotten hobbies. The investigation showed that the use of the most impressive and have the strangest hobbies and interests, no influence on the CV is short listed.

Your resume should not exceed the 3 sites there is no evidence to support this view and it all depends on the content of applications and the type of job for you. Again, if you intrigue, and what to write to the advertisers, they will read on.

The CV is not as important as theInterview. Your resume is the only change you will get total control, what is presented. Both the interview and the CV are equally important and resume the conversation again, and also evaluated in the prediction, which is closer to the selection.

Your resume is an important part of the application process and the candidates should take the time Taylor her resume for each job they are applying. For more tips on applying for a job in the hospitality visitthe link below.

Job job job


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