Friday, January 1, 2010

Six of the loss of jobs My Downfall Post

During my professional career I have never been fired from a job for poor attendance, attitude problems or something else. With all these job losses, there were a lot of stress and depression in my life, but I did not know much about depression to know until I went to the Internet and did a little research, etc. Surprisingly, almost everywhere I went, I found these two words as a guide, "depression" and "suicide". I did not know that severe depression!

From:Depression Resources Center

Research over the past two decades has shown that depression and heart disease is the common attendant ... and what would be even worse ... one could lead to the other. It appears now that depression is an important risk factor for heart disease, along with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

When I suffered my first job losses in the early 1990s, I worked for a large, global engineering company with over 35,000 employees. At the time when theLayoffs began to come down, they were different. Different in the sense that the company is laying off people from the top down and started working on the ground, which is usually not done at the time. In other words, department head, medium and managers were the first to go, and then on down the line, etc.

All in all ... released the number of years that have the 14 people this year, had more than 200 years with the company! Our computer had 29 years with the supervisorCompanies, our editorial supervision was 25 years, our base-ordinator had been 22 years and right on down the line ... 18 years ... 14 years and I have 10 years with the company and so on.

This method of dismissal of people who eventually became a trend, and other businesses across the country began laying off people from the top ... down, etc. This type of activity of enterprises, mainly to say: "There is no job security." And, as observed over the years more and more companieson this procedure, and finally there were no benefits for workers, either. etc.

The engineering company I worked for no longer exist, despite its size, and in today's world, the big fish ... eats the little fish ... and that is disappearing as businesses!

In my second job loss, after three years with the company ... It was due to move to another state. What's about this story ... astonishing is the fact that my boss and I left two of the last people tothe company when it closed. Three years later, I went to work (as a temp), where my boss was working ... and guess what? The company closed and I and my former boss (back together) were two of the last to leave the company FOR THE SECOND TIME! Amazing!

I declare a couple of those losing jobs, so can the reader of the variety, or different ways of seeing a loss of employment can occur, etc. In a further loss of employment, I worked for a small electronics company, which was aContractor for the Martin-Marietta, a large engineering company. They did work for the amendment of Postal Service mail sorting machines. When the contract to another company by the Post, Martin Marietta has been closed, and there goes my job ... AGAIN!

With all the depression in my life all these years ... Reconstruction after a loss of a job ... and then rebuilt after the other the loss of a job ... and then the loss of a job ... It finally found itsTolls, etc. I found myself in the hospital more than three months with heart failure! (Pacemaker implantation) During this time I applied and received a VA disability pension and social security, help me to survive. But in recent years been increasingly difficult for me to find work, after the age of 55 years, and I felt) like ageism (discrimination against older workers had something to do, etc.

I do not want to see anyone through what I was going through in the pastDecade or so! But with all the bad economic news in 2008/2009, with all the loss of jobs throughout the country, the financial melt-down, and add all the greed and high prices to live, experts say it could be worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s ... and it is pretty scary! On the positive side of things for me ... I now look what has happened to me as "silver lining", as I no longer have to work ... But, at the age of 60 ... I wouldn 't want to go through it all again!

Job job job


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