Saturday, January 23, 2010

Flight Attendant Jobs: Who Is Hiring

The news for U.S. legacy carriers continue to deteriorate. Northwest and Delta recently filed bankruptcy and a few others are moving towards bankruptcy. To find employment, with one of these carriers is difficult, especially if you are looking for a career as a flight attendant. However, there are some jobs with airlines, if you know where to look. Let's take a look at some airlines, which are likely to let flight attendants in the next one to two years.

Traditional airlinessuch as American, Delta, Northwest, United, Continental and USAirways are probably not good places to find a stable job. In early 2005, Continental was hiring flight attendants, but the job market for the traditional airlines in general are still bleak. Germany remains in bankruptcy and USAirways recently left bankruptcy and merged with America West Airlines.

On the other hand, the following discounts, charter and regional carriers, all flight attendants hired haverecently or plan to do so within the next few years to do:

* AirTran Airways

* Air Wisconsin Airlines

* Alaska Airlines / Horizon Airlines

* Champion Air

* Chautauqua Airlines

* Colgan Air

* Comair

* EOS Airlines

* Falcon Air Express

* Frontier Airlines

* Independence Airlines

* JetBlue Airways

* MaxJet Airlines

* Mesa Group

* Mesaba Airlines

* Miami Air

* North American Airlines

*Omni Air International

* Piedmont Airlines

* Pinnacle Airlines

* Shuttle America

* Skywest Airlines

* Southwest Airlines

* Spirit Airlines

* Trans States Airlines

* U.S. Airways

* USA3000 Airlines

* United Express

* Virgin America [expects FAA approval to fly]

* World Airways

Job fairs are a popular way to recruit aviation companies to set and interview new employees. Check each company's website forDetailed information about dates or visit an air-Job as the Aviation Employment Board for the latest job postings. Rental plans can change at any time, so make sure that the information relevant to you is checked directly from the airline.

Web sites on the provision of more information about how a flight attendant are dedicated legion on the Internet. Some of the better sites:


Airline FlightRoom Attendant MSN Group ()

If you are looking for a career as a private flight attendant is to the Corporate Flight Attendant Community a comprehensive Resource Center offers informative articles, useful links, training information, job listings, and an active message board:

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