Saturday, January 23, 2010

Financial Freedom - How To Be Financially Independent of a potential job loss

Would you like to be able to go to a feeling of security that no one else has the job? Would you like the only person in your profession that focuses less on the possibility of nursing fired or dismissed? Since this kind of person offers the best feeling in the world, the kind people can not help being envious.

The question is, how do you see the everyday objects man or woman, is this person?

It's easy. Well, actually, for some of you who still do notlearned the hard way, it can not be.

Before I go further, I need you to keep in mind that could be for anything I say in this article to root in your head or for the practical benefits, you should have a few things as a discipline and determination. I call it the Double Ds.

If you do not have this, you will always manage to talk themselves or allow others to make you senseless, irresponsible, ridiculous to talk financial decisions.

If you think you have thistwo requirements, or can acquire it, then congratulations! Keep reading ....

Well, as you the person at work far away, which is not really the way to a loss of employment are affected? They are prepared with this person.

First you must go through a process of elimination in your everyday life. This involves flushing things / activities of your life that you know that you can do without, or you should not be without for the next 5 to 8 years.

ItIt is imperative that you buy the more expensive products, or your lifestyle is more expensive, the more you need to keep working or they pay for everything. If you can not wrap my head this simple fact, then you have a very big problem.

Some of you will say: "Well, duhh, of course I will have to work to pay back all this." Well, listen to this. If you are not yet a problem, which really do not need stuff, I do not know why you read this article. It is notfor you. Out there, you should spend your money on I do not know, porn or something.

But seriously, is that Lexus really worth enslaving yourself for the next 5 years? $ 1200 is the annual cruise to the Bahamas really necessary? Do you really need that new $ 400 phone? Are you serious?

So what if your friends drive the best cars? Perhaps they are trust fund babies? Ever thought of that? Perhaps they are a legacy. Or maybe they're just stupid.And here are a regular Joe Shmoe, she looked from the outside, filled with envy. Their envy leads to irrational thinking, which then develops into the wrong destination.

Your wrong determination invites you to commit foolish acts. Their action opens a deceptively beautiful road that leads to a dense forest of debt, such that people can not see how you do not go often gets lost in and a way out.

Are you so far? Maybe I did get a little harsh in my words, butit's really just for your own good.

Job job job


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