Friday, January 8, 2010

Managing Call Center Performance With Business Metrics

Today's call center is not something about phone calls, it is a separate business, which ... no, it MUST be generated revenue. It must provide company with fresh ideas, must help company to get new customers, and archive business goals, they must have to work 24 hours a day live response within a few seconds to reach. Finally, the operator must solve the answer customer issues, customers have to store that wanted to cancel service and must generate revenue.

There are severalViewpoints on the Call Center - operator perspective, customer perspective and managerial perspective. To solve the problem of customers' needs. Operators' task is to solve the problem, is actually the task manager to quickly find accurate information and provide it with the customer to follow an easily comprehensible form. What is management? These people are always things to work properly. So, what is the best thing that can call center managers do? How to manage call center efficiently? BalancedScorecard approach is the best answer to these questions.

Balanced Scorecard is nothing, but the concept. There is no software tool is not a database, it is not an ERP system. Think about Balanced Scorecard as a combination of metrics and the rules of meter management.

The most important rule for the management of data is to put them in order. Metrics is the actual business performance display (calls, operators, revenues and expenses), must be combined ratios. It is not a good idea to create too manyMetrics, and it has a golden set of metrics for your business. Let us think about call centers in terms of the Balanced Scorecard, and in the form of indicators.

The Balanced Scorecard approach proposes to use four perspectives to apply all companies. Let's talk about the key perspectives and metrics associated with these perspectives.

Financial Perspective. The key idea here is "call center must generate the revenue." It's a good idea, the revenue per action successfullycall and the cost of the call. Financial Perspective will give you an idea of conversion rate. Making more and more calls, is not a good target. Good is the goal: "Make calls 20% more to keep the conversion rate of 4% and keep our costs flat".

Balanced Scorecard concept is the measurement. So if you have some metrics that describe how you measure it, enter the target values that you want to achieve.

The next perspective, internal process perspective. As the call is treatedin a call center? Do you have any segment in any way, your incoming customers? What is the average processing time of your calls? Is your call center services 24 hours a day?

Learning and growth perspective. Coaching is what call center is operating effectively. Team leader must spend time on the coaching to measure, and manage to control this time. Team leader must use different coaching methods, such as Remote listening, sharing practices with agents, role-plays. It is advisable toMeasure these activities. Today, call center management systems provides efficient technical background for a call center, coaching is what all these software systems are working.

Finally, do not forget about the customers. From the perspective of the customer response time measurement of quality, customer orientation and the first movement loosely considered vote-call resolution. It sounds simple, but these figures will help to rethink call center and make it better.

Call-Center has to generate revenue, it mustcustomers save investments and need to return. The key concept is to measure and call center call center performance with KPIs and Balanced Scorecard-control approach. What tool to use to manage your data to? What do you want to function better in this case, any spreadsheet software program than a thousand dollars-business systems.

Job job job


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