Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Turnover: the real cost

It is interesting that for all charts and graphs in the meetings that you have visited appears that not a single time did you miss a diagram of the true and the majority of the costs for "turnover". Turnover is the polite management word for employee loss - whether from death, retirement, dismissal, or in many cases, employee resentment.

To make matters worse organizations actually rewarded high turnover rates. An entire industry has emerged to deal with these problems ...The first question had been asked as to "Why are we hire in the first place?" "Why did this employee leave?
Looking back from upper management is often difficult. It is easier in most cases to criticize anyone other than themselves, and also the fastest way to limit a career step is to draw attention to mistakes of superiors. You may have the records at company meetings, "We are an active organization or company is one ... .... We do not want men (orPeople here).

However, if appropriate corrective action or a message is taken, it is often the messenger "will be shot" and not as problem-makers. There is a big difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency can be as-is "How quickly we dig the hole?" Efficacy asks the right question, "Should we have wasted our time digging a hole in the first place?"

To recruit and train an employee d takes a great amount of time, energy and money.
FirstEmployee has to be procured to replace. Either be written and placed an advertisement in a suitable medium - be it online or in a newspaper or magazine.
Cost and time. Employment or a commercial operation, often called "headhunters" are conditions that can be used. It is a cost saving, the use of such an operation.
Initial screenings are done, expensive management time and travel expenses may be excluded Screening lost causes are saved. And how well the company can workInterview offer rooms that can be costly if the interviews are done by the headquarters. Headhunters are not cheap. It is usually a commission fee of 1 / 3 of salary, adjusted premiums and the perceived value of the benefits of the new employees to the benefit of the company car.

Standard interviewing and job recruitment procedures generally consist of three interviews. An initial review of the interview. A second more serious, more in depth second interview. Finally, another member of the"The team is called in the final vote interviews. Usually a senior member of the "management team". The concept is that the more senior member will be more experienced and qualified assessment and setting ruling capabilities. There are also the added advantage that "if something does not work out" A person can not be held responsible.

Now that will finally set the new employees, the fun and the cost is only beginning. The new employee has now trained. It is oftenestimated that the period the employee is to train a sufficient performance for about a year to a year and a half. There are costs to staff training. Actual time spent in training, taking the cost of training, management and training of staff off the job. There may be travel and hotel expenses. The new employees will be trained in order to benefit the profitability of your business. But nothing is more energy an empty train rolledRails.

All of these involved costs for the organization or company could easily be prevented in the first place if the experienced staff had been encouraged to stay with the organization either through a proper treatment or otherwise. Remember, an important part of the fire is to prevent fires, not fight it.

Job job job


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