Thursday, December 17, 2009

Get ready for this job Employment Telephone Screening Interview

Looking to save time and travel costs some firms and employment service agencies are now about "telephone interviews job screening more and more accepted as a standard job and employment screening technique. If you expect to be preparing interviewed by telephone by a member of your "network" to "role play" the interviewer. Practice delivering your answers and answering typical run of the mill standard interview questions. Finally, there are verysmall variations in interview questions and interviews with style in these workups. It is, if all these interview "technicians" all the same book and read the same school.

When you return, or applications, then you should be prepared to expect, and a call from an interviewer at almost any time. Make sure that you are factually outgoing voice mail message with your name and / or phone number. Make sure that all your housemates know to answer the phoneprofessionally and take messages when necessary. Return calls promptly and be prepared to leave immediately for an interview or a message with your full contact information and availability.

To succeed in a telephone interview, there are a number of preambles.

First, you must be willing to take an interview at almost any time, and on the spot. Post your resume and short written spiel or script available somewhere in your house so that it can be retrieved and read and referred to inFlash time. Have paper and pencil (pens) handy so that you write down names and information on the spot. Otherwise you will forget important information - such as names and telephone numbers of contacts. Keep a log of the calls. Transfer them and their contact details and phone notes promptly to your notes that you can be stored on your computer that record in an easily remembered and accessible.

If you need a moment to collect himself, ask politely ask the interviewerhold for a moment as you move to a quiet place. Eliminate all distractions and background noise.

While focusing the phone interview process it is best to accept the claim, why you are interested in the work on this or future employer. Of course, can and should be done on pre-interview research. Make it a point to understand and comprehend, the employer's products, services, current developments in the market and business practices and philosophies.

Over and overProfessional, courteous and friendly. It is best not to try to lead or "control" the conversation. Let us guide the caller, the conversation, but ask your own questions.

Maintain pose and posture, as if the very person standing with you in person you are interviewing in this same room, at this moment. Stand up, smile and speak directly into the earpiece of the phone while you talk. This will be your voice more energy and a sweet sound. Never smoke,chew gum or eat while on the phone.

Beware of yes / no answers. They give no real information or elaborate on your skills. Likewise, your questions are factual. The rule is too short, but thoroughly.
In the same way, if you find that you need time to think about a question or a series of questions, it is best to avoid, with repetitive phrases, to "buy" time. There is nothing wrong in the statement, "I need something to think about that".

Finally, if the interview wraps ask whatthe next step or steps. Directly tell the interviewer that you opt for a face-to-face interview at his earliest convenience. Follow-up on the phone interview. Back on or two days later calls. At this point thank the interviewer for his time. Formulate your interest in the job. If you try to follow up forever, leaving the information directly to that contact the very person or job. Only as a last resort, you will leave this message with voice mail,Fax or e-mail. These are easily forgotten in the whole job employment filling.
Always be ready and on the ball for a telephone screening job employment interview.

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