Sunday, December 13, 2009

Marketing Customer - deposit it in your bank

How do you want to be able to receive more marketing people to sell more products and improve your cash flow? Many if not most affiliate marketers would be interested in this, right?

It's amazing how many affiliate marketers have little or no money for their efforts. It has been said that account for 10% of affiliate marketing, 90% of the money. The spread is probably greater than that. If you are one of the 90% to only 10% of the money, or, worse, one of thethe tens of thousands who have no bank not taken then you will wish for more.

When I started trying a little more money online I thought, "how hard could do that?" Will guess what ... it is not all that easy! There are so many steps to take to some kind of marketing campaign that most implement only brought spinning wheels.

Web sites, lenses, blogs and a host of other marketing platforms wind up looking like the primary school projects that actuallyDrive traffic away from the landing place marketing clients. Those were built that I, even worse, and I have hundreds of hours spent on this. Those who saw the actual conversion yet presentable. I had to do something different.

I have one and the website template to try, even though they looked good for some reason the marketing people not to be deceived and not yet long enough to say, "Boo", let alone buy something. Some of the pre-generated websites have been filled by someoneelse's view and made me feel like I was just paying for someone else to the bank to make.

Then I came across a technique that will solve all the problems mentioned above and even gave back the time I was wasting on them. It was so simple and easy, and stared into my face down. I did it because of the myth that it is no longer allowed to overlook.

Supposedly the big search engines were crushed once and for all this for the benefit of mankind, or at least for the benefit ofMarketing clients. Did I need no longer be a web page, lens, blog or other landing page and to pass on my marketing customer sales from the dealer side.

I speak from direct link. No, this is the direct link is not dead. It is still very much alive and well and can use by any affiliate marketer to make such a bank. This is the direct link with a twist, a turn for the better. One that is acceptable to all parties involved in the process and saves you time and money earned. No longer in the networkBuilding, no hosting fees, no CTR care and best of all is child's play!

Now 100% ... yes 100% of my movement of goods, ads, forum posting and other online and offline marketing methods will end on the dealer's sales page! There are hundreds of dealers, thousands of dollars and thousands of hours to spend to develop and test their sales pages to be high power conversion houses. Why was I inclined to believe I could do better? How could I possibly fix it upsomething that is not broken?

Here's what to do ... You buy a field, preferably a dot com. They are the easiest for your marketing people to keep them. Make something easy to remember your domain, that with your promotional mix. For example, if the promotion Then you have to sign up or something like See here the common sense?

Forward your new domain at high converting your dealer sales page with your partner --Link. You can also mask so your domain is still showing in the address bar and tab title if the marketing people at your merchant is selling the site!

The first time you configure this is the hardest (not much) and then you could do it in my sleep. I even used a tracking link from my new domain and affiliate link so I could keep track of the traffic results. Your only charge that all this is in the purchase of the domain. That can be kept to a minimum whenSearch for a coupon.

I have affectionately nicknamed this technique the "Newbie Jump Start," for it simplicity and ease of use. I'm no Einstein, and this technique is not an original idea. Find these and many other skills and keep marketing clients, I've learned by enrolling in several large affiliate marketing courses. A type of investment in me. I would encourage you to do the same.

Job job job


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