Monday, December 14, 2009

Seven Keys to reduce job-search stress

Reducing and managing stress is one of the key to a successful search. Too much stress and you appear desperate. Not enough people ask, and your motivation. Only you can decide how much stress is the right amount! Here are seven steps you can take to improve significantly lower stress, looking for your efficiency and ultimately shorten your job.

1. Do you have a realistic idea of how long it will look for a job. As a rule of thumb, figure itbe anywhere from a week (in the field of high-side) for each $ 1,000 of income up to a month (too low) for each value of $ 10,000 income. Many job-seekers have an unrealistic time frame for the search for their next job. It always takes longer than you think. If you are not a realistic expectation of how long it takes, it's easy to feel too stressed.

2. Develop a job search action plan. Map where you want to go and how to get around there. Setcertain daily and weekly goals, then develop a contingency plan, if Plan A does not work. Once your plan is in place and you are emotionally prepared - take action!

3. Avoid unnecessary costs immediately. Minimization of financial responsibility and maximize the financial resources significantly reduce stress. This is not the time to make your dream holiday. The greater the financial resources of more flexibility, you must accept the right job offer, rather thangrabbed the first who comes.

4. Think Dedicate your job search as a job. How much time there as you would a job. Consider all the extra hours you worked in a job that you did not particularly like. Is it not worth enjoying twenty-five to forty hours a week looking for work you?

5. Spend your time on the right activities. Spend time with the development of high-quality marketing materials - such as a resume, facts andReferences, networking with friends and colleagues that you can connect to the right people and opportunities together, and follow up with potential employers. Do not waste hours of Internet job boards are looking for work, the 'right'. Instead, use the Internet to research, gather information on specific industries and network with people that can help in your search.

6. Evaluate your progress on a weekly basis. Stay as near the top of the search results pagethat one immediately say if the search begins to take steps stable, and to get it back on the track. , Evaluate what works - not more of it. Determine what is not working and revise your approach. If you look at get stuck working with a career counselor.

7. Take your time, your body, refresh the spirit and soul. Looking for a job that is especially if you do not have, something you carry around 24 / 7. Remember to set office hours and closing time at a reasonableHour. This includes time off on weekends. Take a walk, go to the gym, escape with a good book or a coffee with a friend.

Job job job


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