Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Job Search Secrets: Recycle Your Job Search

If you have been unemployed for quite a while, you have probably followed a standard job search campaign: the unemployment office, newspaper classifieds, job fairs, online resources, agencies, networking and cold calling.

Just because something did not work the first time do not give up entirely. A good salesman knows that even the best product is purchased too rare on the first pitch. Studies have shown that a bid be submitted to an average of 5 to the needs8 times before the sale closes.

Go back through your notes, see what you've done and you have contacted, then take a deep breath and begin again with a new eye.

1. The unemployment office.

When was the last time checked out all the ads? The chances are good that you will receive your check by mail, and are too busy to go in other directions. Despite the constant layoffs and job and geographic pockets of blight, there are several openings in emerging markets than at any timewithin the last 3 years. Go into a "fresh new year" attitude and check out any possibility of seeing you. Keep your eyes open for new job titles and descriptions, the chance of your type of work or move to another industry that is beginning to extend the change to offer.

2. Classifieds newspaper.

You may have been checking these every Sunday. In this case, you are continuing straight through the ads for positions that you have applied for a long time ago and never heard frustratedanything. Re-apply as people and circumstances have changed. You can also check the rut of only certain parts of the job for which you are qualified to appear to contain fallen. Take time once in a while to go through all the listings. Sometimes, employers and customers instead of positions classified by categories, you probably never considered. Areas such as customer service, training, education and management, often contain a variety of positions that might be suitablebut you may have missed while on the parts.

3rd place markets.

These tend to be more readily accessible in urban areas so if you are in a rural area you live your choices limited. If there is such fairs in your commute distance are planned, try to visit as they are usually free of charge to applicants. Although the issue is the show (not really serve directly to your experience medical, distribution, finance, technology, etc.) in discussion with employersRepresentatives often reveals the possibility of other positions in the company for which you can find a fruitful application. Be can be friendly, sympathetic, and objectively, and the rep that you can allow their names to an application - a step, your papers to the top of the stack vault. A brief remark in an interview that "I had a long talk with Jim Jones of your company at the job fair last week and he suggested I contact you," goes a long way to creating that atmosphere receptiveYou are looking for.

4. Online resources.

You may have registered with and other job-related web sites. "Try a different approach, one by your industry or profession directly into a search engine. You can then access to many, even hundreds of corporate Web sites. The Most of these sites have a section on employment. Check it out and apply online or send your CV and a letter by e-mail cover. Even if the items are listed, onlya marginal fit for you, so the company can other openings that were not listed and you will be the first in line, always an enviable position.

5. Agencies.

In general, when you register with an agency, they immediately try to find a job than that, they make an income. After a period without a successful placement, you can be their priority list will appear as new candidates that look promising. If you do not rep from one of your agency for some time,and call to remind you that you are still available and still actively looking for work. If you just registered, with 2 or 3 agencies seek others where YOU will the new applicant's loaded with potential.

6. Networking.

Possibly you have on your contacts that are not suitable openings to identify abandoned. If there is a certain amount of time since you called them was to try to remember touch base and now the fact that you are still looking. You've probably forgotten all about you and yourslight push them into debt can look more intense.

If you have received regular contact with your network, you keep doing it. You can not, however, the frequency of calls to the point of increasing a pest, and if one of the people you have in your list, not once your phone messages, it is a signal that you've pushed too hard and need to again a little bit, especially if the person is someone with whom you want to enjoy a lasting relationship.

Be sure to call for enterprisesor people that "if something appears coming up" when you last called. If you have any friends at the last place you worked, they call and see what's going on. You can press it in a position to colleagues who have left to work up elsewhere, and their new company can still be worth a look to fill.

7. "Cold calling".

While often frustrating and ego-shredding exercise, walking in the cold offices of the employer can sometimes net a great result - a non-public open position.At least it takes you out of the house, forcing you into business clothes and a work mentality and creates a feeling of being in a position to take active measures to improve the situation. Each measure is more productive than complaining crawl into your little hole, your destiny, and mentally beat up on themselves.

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