Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Did you know? - 10 Effective Job Search Tips

Here is a list of not so common job search tips that you may use is to your advantage to get noticed and as productive as possible during your search. The key to remember to perform your job to look like a job. Work at it every day to develop a plan and stick to it and do not forget to follow up appears to previous searches. Do not give up, hopefully these tips work for you.

1. Did you know Tuesday is the most productiveDay of the week? What does this mean for you as a jobseeker? You can plan Tuesday during the day to network, to make appointments to reorganize job files, or possibly re-touch takes you to earlier. Whatever you decide to spend your Saturday, make sure you get the "natural productivity of labor in the week.

2. Did you know that no less than 35% of employers now report on your credit history as a means of assessing personal responsibility, especially inProfessionals dealing directly with money? To think something and put in order before you begin your job search or at least make sure that you know what others are found in the review of your credit history conscious. Performing a credit check on themselves might be a good idea.

3. Did you know you could prepare the current earnings rate for your new position with pay research comparing web pages and increase your negotiating position by deliberately and? A fewhelpful sites to search and compare pay-per-labor, industry, or location http://www.salary.com, http://www.salarysearch.com or http://www.payscale.com.

4. Did you know, between 65 and 70% of jobs are obtained through personal referral, or network connections? So get networking! Make a long list with all your friends, family, past employees, supervisors, colleagues, teachers and professors. The contacts of associations, church or volunteer activities, hobbies andTheir children schools and activities. When you begin a strong list, you make your way through them in order to know what kind of work you are interested in.

5. Did you know, on average, only 36% of respondents regularly send a thank you letter job hunters while 75% appreciated the employer or expect that the sheet music? It is not only polite, but it is a great opportunity for something in particular they said during the interview, which will help you to touchrecalls.

6. Did you know that over 90% of employers find their assistants opinion, if the interviewing and recruitment of making decisions? During the visit, phone or in person for an interview make sure to be polite and friendly to the assistants and secretaries in the office. My impression of you, you may only get the job or get passed by.

7. Did you know that business cards are a great way to network? With a simple map or a photograph works best. They areAnother good way to be remembered and are a quick and cost effective career tool. Business cards work especially well if you've booked your resume online and may contain the site on your map.

8. Did you know that a mentor is also another great way to network? I know from experience that someone with more experience in your industry and field, to discuss ideas and issues can be really valuable. They are also a good networking source as well, since they are knownwith your skills, experience and current goals and objectives.

9. Did you already do 60% of large companies for salary planning in the fall? What does this mean to you? First, it is a good time to ask for a raise! If you are already in employment for a large firm increases, while stirring a drop of the planning is going on, might be easier to work in a household then at other times of the year. Second, know the recruiters mind is on budgets and hiring needs for the next year they will be moreAre interested in applications that their needs could save them money because they do not match, do not forget your rent in the next years budget.

10. Did you also know that 40% of new job cuts announced in the autumn? This can have a good time, your updated CV and ready - just in case. They will be incorporated before the rest of the staff with an updated again when layoffs occur and you need to look for work.

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