Sunday, December 6, 2009

Job-Search Tips for Desperate Job Seekers

Another morning of job hunting lies ahead of you. You pour a cup
of coffee and open the paper to the employment section. With a
mixture of anticipation and desperation you pick up a stub of
pencil and prepare to target and identify some possible job

There are less ads to circle this morning and despite the
promising words and vague descriptions you have begun to believe
that none of these potential employers will seriously check
Them. Perhaps they have family or friends, or maybe you'll hear
once again: "I'm afraid you're overqualified for this job."

After a few phone calls you try to get into a positive
Mood. You head out the door, a folder into a
Hand and a list of addresses for the next. They are a couple of drops of
continued and have plans for an interview this afternoon.

Perhaps today will be different ...

Are you or a friend looking for work? HaveIt belongs to the
Known discharged from long-term employment only to find out,
After four or five months that it can not yet become a

If you believe the only way a job is found to have connections
You can also right to some extent. With such a demand for employment, many
Jobs never make it on the paper. How can you participate?


"Leave no stone unturned. Tell your friends, relatives and acquaintances
Your job search. Thispeople can give you an 'IN' to their
businesses when positions come available.

They may also hear of someone who is hiring and keep you updated
on opportunities you may not otherwise have heard about. Their
personal referral can also make an impression on the employer in
your behalf.


You don't have to wait for a job to be listed in the paper, or
even posted on the company board, to apply for work at a company.

Go through the Phone book and make a list of companies you want to
to work. Call and ask if there are available.
Ask for the name of the Human Resources Manager or the individual
charge of recruiting for the area to which you are applying.

Please send a resume and directed them to the person responsible for the release.
Write a cover letter that expresses your interest in the company
and why you like to work for them. Follow up several days later
and ask for the individual. Tell themCheck to see that
they receive your resume and ask if there are any positions that
be available.

If this is not the attitude you are fighting back at another time to check.
Often positions are made available by unexpectedly and
Contact harassed (without) you can use the first person to
comes to mind.

This is no secret. If you are not taking the advantage of someone
else will. You can not afford to miss, you get to know
toEmployer before the job offer is made public.

Accessing this hidden job market may open up opportunities for you
never thought possible. By always one step ahead of the other job
Seekers you can be sure that your new job is right around the

Job job job


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