Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Interview Body Language - 7 easy ways to send the right message in your job interview

Pay attention to your interview body language - it plays a crucial role in determining how you are in the job interview! Non-verbal communication accounts for over 90% of the message you are sending the interviewer. 58% of which is your actual body language and 38% is the way you are speaking tone and pitch. There are 7 simple ways to make sure that you are sending the right message with your interview body language.

1. Sitting correctly

Sit uprightBut in a relaxed way, leaning slightly forward at about 10 to 15 degree angle towards the interviewer. This send the message that you are an interested and involved candidate. Is bowed or bent down to the side gives an impression of nervousness, a sloppy posture and leaning casually and carelessly, sat on the edge of the chair acts as tense.

2. Take care of your hands

It is best to rest it loosely folded in her lap or on the table ifexists. Fiddling with hair, face or neck sends the message of fear and insecurity. Body language experts agree that is touching the nose, lips and ears mean that the candidate is lying. Keep your hands out of his pockets. Moved down to show his hands into the pockets of a message of secretiveness, the palms helps to build trust.

3. Can not bent arm

Folding his arms across the chest suggests a defensive type of position. It sends the message that the candidates feelthreatened and ill-at-ease and is shutting the interviewer out. It can also be the message that the candidate does not agree with or buy into what the interviewer says. Waving his arms about too much is often interpreted as a lack of maturity and confidence. Try to keep your arms placed at the sides to see them safely and professionally.

4. Place both feet on the ground

Crossing legs at the ankles or placing both flat on the floor sends a message of confidenceand professionalism. Wobbling or moving the legs creates an irritating distraction, and indicates nervousness. Resting an ankle on the opposite knee looks arrogant and too casual, crossing the legs up appears defensive.

5. Maintain direct eye contact

Keeping direct eye contact with the interviewer indicates active listening and interest. Blink regularly, look away very briefly and move his head slightly and they do not seem to be staring aggressively. EyesDarts, suggest that about dishonesty. Looking down gives the impression of low self-esteem.

6. Be aware of mouth movements

These speak louder than words from the mouth of the candidates! Pursed lips or twisting them sideways shows disapproval of what belongs will. Bite your lips suggests nervousness. Try to relax your mouth.

7. Position the ladder

The position of the head sends a clear message. Keep your head straight looksare self-confident and authoritative, it sends the message that you should be taken seriously. For a friendly and relaxed look tilt your head slightly to one side. Nod your head now and again to show that you listen very closely.

Pay attention to the non-verbal signals in your job interview. These interview body language tips will be a positive and professional message to the interviewer.

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