Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seven tips for start a stalled job search

A growing number of job seekers are looking in the middle of a long-term task. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. unemployment rate rose to a four-year high of 5.7% in July 2008 and the average job search took more than four months in net results. However, some critics would put this number and the number of unemployed is considerably higher.

Helen Kooiman, author of the suddenly jobless claims, "[S] uch statistics are inaccurateIndicators. They do not include those whose unemployment benefits have expired or those who are not entitled to unemployment ... Such statistics also do not count welfare recipients, temps (which are not counted as fully employed), or others who eke out a living on so-called self-employment. "I do not even these reports even what the Bureau of Labor Statistics terms" discouraged workers "or those who are" not currently looking for work just because they believed jobs were availablethem. "The numbers reached 461,000 in July.

A long-term job search can be an enormous financial and emotional burden share for a job hunter. "It was a demoralizing experience, and it was very difficult budgetwise. I am a single mother," says Kay Marie King, a former non-profit executive with a wealth of experience, is currently involved in an ongoing job search.

So, what can I do if you one week fruitless job search quickly turns to month? Here are seven tips for start a stalled job search:

A tip: Do not be so quick to blame everything on the economy of your region, your industry (etc.)

These issues certainly play a role in the current job market. However, it is easy to such factors and completely discount factors which we personally control to fix. The next six tips cover areas that long-term unemployed do well to create a fresh start-up failed> Look for a job. Why is this so important? I interviewed a woman that I once looked great on paper recalls, but during the interview she had an incredibly offensive body odor. She noted that she had been on several interviews, but she was "overqualified" for every position. It was a classic example of the problem (or their perception of what was the problem) is not really a problem. While most job seekers do not have as obvious question, everyone would do it well, hit along look in the mirror.

Tip Two: Do an honest self-assessment.

Look at yourself in the eyes of potential employers. Compare your experience and qualifications to the normally required of a person in your target position. What is the difference with your skills and experience? Imagine filling up in a creative way to gain experience and skills shortages.

Tip Three: Re-check your target position or industry.

Are you looking for work in an industrial or decreasingoversaturated field? Is your desired position readily available in the selected geographical area? Being open to relocation may improve your chances. Can you imagine your knowledge and skills to an industry that is experiencing growth?

Tip Four: You are looking rethink the current job.

What job search strategies you currently use? If you focus your efforts on strategies that generally the least effective (like online job boards areBoards and newspaper ads) Your job search will take much longer to achieve results. On their inclusion job search strategies that will achieve higher results, like networking and direct targeted mailing campaigns.

Tip Five: Re evaluate the way your message verbally and in print.

Their message to potential employers in a clear and compelling manner is critical to job search success. Re-check yourresume. Does it agree with your value for employers, by the way your skills and experience of the employer's specific needs are? Practice communicating your value as a response to typical interview questions, including, "Tell me about yourself."

Tip Six: Maintain your intensity and a positive outlook.

It is easy to become discouraged during the course of a long job search will be. Keep a positive outlook and maintains a high degree of concentration and intensityin your job search for faster results. Taking a systematic approach to your job search will help you organize and stay on the track during your job search. However, it is important to pursue other interests during your job search. Enjoy spending time with friends and family. Renew your interest in a hobby. Tackle a project that you do not have time when you are working. Reside in other pursuits provides a much needed Deferred from the stress of looking for a job. They are excited and ready for the next stage of a job.

Tip Seven: Build a solid support system.

If a self guided job search has limited results netted; consider working with a career or job search coach. Your coach will help you set out problem areas and suggestions for improvements. Another option is to join a local or online job> Search Club. If a coach or job search club is not available, try building your own support network. Take the help of family and friends or in conjunction with other job hunters. Taking a team approach to your job search is an opportunity for constructive feedback, a new perspective, offering ongoing support and added accountability.

Try applying the tips above to jump start a stalled job search. Learn more about the implementation of aSimply Successful Job Search by

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