Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Interview Tip: Why Did You Get The Job?

One of the worst feelings in the world is rejected for a job, even though you were sure you were very good during the interview process.

There are many reasons why you would have asked for a job for you and some of them can not even rejected on known (or ever know) because you are not told.

The typical reason why you are not the job because they found someone better for the position, is capable than you.Perhaps this person has had more experience, better qualifications, or they may only perform better in the interview, as you have. You may have encountered during the interviews as unprepared, overly aggressive, or perhaps you have shown up late.

These are all legitimate reasons, and they all come. There are many others.

Here are some other reasons why you would for a job that you are not taken into account are rejected:

1. The company decided to hire an internal candidateWho worked for them.

2. The company chose someone who referred to them for rent.

3. The Company does not opted for any hiring means. they put the job on ice, they could not find the "right" person, etc.

4. The manager asked a friend, family member or former colleagues. Perhaps they were told that the rent from their superiors. Preference is happening. Cronyism, too!

5. If you have been made for the company through a recruiter, they may have decided to hire someone whodo not hold back by a recruiter the company to pay the recruiter a fee (this does not happen to come).

6. The company hired someone cheaper than you. They found someone who was willing to accept a lower salary than you. Cost-conscious companies might do so.

Sometimes a company can not give you a clear answer as to why they are down.

In many cases, you may not even know that they're simply accept this and the reason they have the truth.

The best thing you can do isattempt rejected by society as much information as possible about why you were getting.

The more you know, the more you will be able to better respond to your success in future interviews.

Job job job


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