Friday, June 25, 2010

What not to do a job interview

As soon as I graduated college, I knew that I was able to Ace a job interview in a society, the United States. I was funny, charming, and I enjoy every time I see a mirror or a reflective surface to the matter under consideration. Also, I put my modesty and humility in a class above the rest and I made sure that these attributes at any time to look through. Reasoning ability that my interview - but never used, but refined - would any CEO of appeal, which ensures thatto land a job all I had to do was to land an interview.

As an important actor on the "circuit of interview in 2002 I sent a resume or forty pages of almost every business in the economy: jobs for which I was, skilled jobs for which has not been qualified I want to work Jobs did not want me .... even job whose name the word "exotic." I jobs more jobs for the application of other mecourse will be offered. Consequently, with every job that companies and the matter would be a massive bidding war between companies. It would be only a matter of time, place and generous gifts, high salaries, and perhaps one or two of rose petals on the floor before me.

In my curriculum were sent bulk mail, I received a call from a marketing company in a city is directly next to me. The caller said he would lead a brief telephoneInterview and, if successful, has led me to a meeting face to face. Fortunately, I had and answered questions in a friendly, quickly.

During the telephone interview I kept my composure professional answering my call on hold only once, and politely, to teach my sister, "Shut up" she shouted as the background. I also resisted the temptation, the telephone interviewer my musical talent show an exciting version of "Mary had aLittle Lamb "by pressing the numbers 3, 2 and 1 I after all did not want to contribute, as intimidating.

The full interview phone, I was told that I "can" go for an interview the following morning. I was also told that "few people" in fact interviewed. I feel I believe the word "few" led me to this company was very selective, and I had enough talent to be one of the few and the proud. I was practically a Marine.

The next day,hopefully represent my country, I went to lunch with plenty of time to arrive in time for my interviews in a. However, is directed by the challenge of youth, I soon found myself completely lost and turned around seven minutes long. Like the surrounding buildings together in the same structure, I pulled up the company as a receptionist and in a tone that subtly criticized the company, who asked that hard to find, for directions.

Fifteen minutes too late, butworth the wait, I entered the marketing company and immediately met the man I interview. His outstretched hand, I shook in a polite way of doing, while maintaining contact to a minimum. How could I pound bench almost fifteen years, I did not want to crush the bones of the pastern too much of a handshake. Also I do not know where his hand had: for all I knew, was a perfect nose picker.

As we sat down, I apologized for being late, justifyby recalling that the bright daylight sun allowed me, as the North Star and its use as a guide. So in reality it was not my fault at all: It 's been the fault of the cosmos.

He took his place on the desk from me and I immediately decided to use "hard" attitude. The man wanted by nature, not always what you may have. As he spoke, I was careful to listen, but not act too interested. I have no job, how desperate. He rolled up on this and thatas I smelled, the balance and as casually slouched in his chair, looked around the office, smiled a bad framework, and set the family photos, which is next to his computer SA

After planting "are hard to get 'seed, I decided to reveal my language fluently for the body. Remove my feet from his desk, I sat on the edge of my seat, trying to show an interest. But suddenly leaned too far forward, and again at the end with his hands in front of my placeBalance, rollover photos of his family in the process. I apologized and took the opportunity, my skills with the statement that he might want to take the picture somewhere it would not be "useful to show what the street."

Once I gave him the pointer, I thought it would be better to initiate "Operation: eye contact." This is my interview know he had my full attention, I just nodded and continued - it would be better not to distract my attention from her - Itrying not to blink. My eyes, as much as possible for nearly a minute had begun, even with tears, until my partner became more than just a blurriness. I knew that I could not blink now: I was too good for your eyes flashing and my mascara would do something violent. After a few moments to watch our pseudo competition, he excused himself to make sure he has something stuck between your teeth, and I was happy to show him in silence that I knew morecorrect body language as the most accomplished mime.

After his return began my interlocutor asked me, in relation to my work experience in these matters. I have considered each question carefully, chewing the remaining mint mint juice from my gum from my right hand under his chin and tilt the head in a way that I am deep in thought, or I have proposed gas. My hope was that my interlocutors I would be seen as a calculated and thorough thinker, one who chose the words carefully Wrigley chewing.

He asked me what I thought of my biggest attributes. I told him that unless the leadership I like men who do what they say. He started me another question, if I ring my phone in a coat pocket. To prove my devotion to the interviewer, I immediately answered the phone and immediately asked, as the person on the other line if you can call back at another time.

I was then asked if I was ever fired from aThe> job and know that I had, I tried not to answer the direct question to him really. I tried to do 'enough of me,' s talk about you, "but the concept has me nowhere. Finally, after diversions failed, I told him I was with a job he was fired after getting up in a fight that my supervisor was "clearly wrong" and "clearly an idiot."

He continued by asking: "So, what is written to apply to our description of the work you've done?" For the life of me,could not remember a word that has been in the job description and so I asked, shyly, if I could read it. He happily obliged and read the description of a task for which I had no qualifications. Mistakenly thinking aloud, instead of me, I said with a charming smile, "Why should I go for this?"

When the interview is over, I asked if I had questions, I asked the money, benefits, vacation, and if anything his companycharges pressed. To this end, the interview, and me to the door.

On the way out, I was rewarded for a desk job well done by a handful of candy filled with peanut butter from the jar that was sitting on the front. In another attempt to be helpful, I am the keeper that is not very wise Have peanut butter candy for the taking, because a lot of very innocent people are allergic to peanut oil.

If my partner, I received the lobby hasseemed nervous and rushed. Although he said his goodbye and went quickly, I say deep I really liked. It was probably just in a hurry to cancel all remaining interviews. It seems to have found the perfect candidate.

Almost six years later, has not yet named, with a job offer. But of course these things take time.

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