Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Maine Owes 122 Million To Citizens Of USA As Unclaimed Cash

Would you believe that the State Of Maine owes money? to you and your family members? Surprised? But it is true! More than 122 million dollars is lying unclaimed with the State of Maine. This money belongs to you, your family members and other residents of the nation.

Recent population statistics indicates that about 578,000 people are owned the unclaimed money lying waste in Maine.

Needless to say, some unclaimed funds checks add up to small amounts only. However, there are certain claims that exceed ten thousand dollars.

The largest claim in the State of Maine is worth $222,000. This is just the cash. The value of stock will be calculated separately. The money could well be owed to you.

Have you wondered how Maine lost money came into existence? It comes from old checking accounts or old savings accounts that have been forgotten. It can come in existence from inheritances that you were never told about. It could be payments received after maturity of life insurance policies, stocks etc.

The law is very clear on this point. If money is lying abandoned for three years or more, it is classified as unclaimed money.

Last year alone, $10.4 million dollars was returned by the State of Maine to its rightful owners. However, the problem has not come under control yet. Last year, Maine lost funds increased by $25 million. Inflow still exceeds outflow.

What is the solution? Search for the Maine unclaimed funds owed to you and get it out of Uncle Sam's clutches.

Searching for unclaimed money is not a big deal. Just key in your name and find out if you are owed lost funds. Make use of a comprehensive database that covers state as well as federal databases. Make use of http://www.cashunclaimed.com

When searching for money owed in your name, do not forget your family and friends. Search on their behalf as well

Once the fact that money is owed is determined, proof of identification has to be submitted and the money has to be recovered.

Never make the mistake of searching for Maine unclaimed funds just once a year. You will have to search at least three or four times a year. Deposits of unclaimed money are being made throughout the year.

Once you have completed your search, you will have to claim the money. How to claim the money and how to go about the formalities has been clearly provided in websites like http://www.cashunclaimed.com

It is not compulsory that you be owed unclaimed money from Maine. You could be owed unclaimed money from any other state or from the federal unclaimed property division as well. As on date, unclaimed funds in the nation are in excess of $35 billion.

It is highly probable that you are owed unclaimed money. What do you plan to do with it?



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