Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Acquiring job interview

You are not alone if you do not like job interviews. Many high level executives, accustomed to control, are uncomfortable with the uncertainty of the interview situation. The good news is that you can take charge of every interview, with a common interview technique to your advantage.

I interviewed with the technology of behavior, which simply means that the interviewers to ask specific questions relating to real situations. The theory is that your pastThe behavior is the best predictor of behavior in the future, so employers probe your background for clues.

Suppose XYZ company is looking for a Marketing VP, which can generate a lot of buzz with a small budget. To understand your experience in this area, a behavioral interviewer will ask:

"Tell me about a time when you have a product with little money for promotion."


"Describe a time when you created a great excitement about a new beginningwith non-traditional marketing techniques. "

Behavioral interviews are quite common in the past 15 years may also be experienced in person, both as interviewer and interviewee. Provided you are prepared (and will discuss this at a time) a change in behavior interview gives you an excellent opportunity to speak at length about their experiences and successes.

Unfortunately, many interviews still follow the old format - the questions can bearbitrary, sometimes the content of your resume, sometimes to the concerns of the interviewer. You can also use a very general nature. For example, if the company XYZ interview with behavioral disorders, VP candidate can ask a question like: "How much experience do you work with a small budget? This question does not invite the same detailed response to the request for a concrete example - but that has need an invitation? The secret to wowing each interviewis simply this: to act as if your behavior was a problem, even if they do not.

Imagine two different candidates for this position marketing fiction. When asked "How much experience do you have to work with a small budget?" Candidate A says, "I had a lot in fact - most companies have been why I worked for small and medium size, there never was a chance to spend the money. I'm very good in these situations and I always find how to do thingsCould happen. "

Candidate B, however, is a response to "behavioral" I had a lot to do in reality. Let me give a recent example ... you know the movie "Dark Knight?" I have a campaign around the movie with a budget of $ 10,000. It struck me, because it was the only film of all our staff were enthusiastic, although there is production of a low-budget independent. I decided to theme a website really cool on film, and then create We planted seeds of interest on the forum andchatting ... all took a couple of weeks and the film eventually grossed millions. We never made a single TV ad. "

Responding in a concrete and specific, Candidate B brings to life - and he makes much of his most memorable contest.

This technique can be used for any application using vague or general in nature:

Q: "How do you know ?...."

R: "I know - I just recently ...."

Q:"How many times have you found ....?"

A: "This is something I did often ... in fact, I remember when ..."

The technique works even if an interviewer asks a hypothetical question:

Q: "What would you do if .....?

R: Well, I faced a similar situation last year. What happened was ... "

Preparation is the key

To prepare effective stories need to focus on the needs of the employer and then develop examples that demonstrate its ability to meet thethese needs.

The employer must

Research the company before the interview - Jump to identify key aspects of the business (which are growing?'m In a crowded market? Plan is the introduction of new products?) Get into the minds of business leaders and ask: their areas of expertise to be what they want to know?

Develop your examples

Car (challenge-action-result) formula to develop stories that demonstrate that yourAbility to meet the needs of employers. If you know from research that ABC Corporation Sales Executive, to forge new strategic alliances, need to develop stories about your experiences in this field. Describe enter the first challenge (for example, need a new market), the actions that took place (the market research identified, objectives, met C-level decision makers) and results (building partnerships with a value 15 million dollars in sales within 12 months).

If your interviewer weretrained in behavioral interviews, will be very well prepared. But if you will not be able to be separated from all other candidates, to be convincing, interesting stories and targeted, that your ability to demonstrate value.

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