Sunday, June 20, 2010

Culture Shock USA - How to Deal with Culture Shock - Part IV

This is part IV in the series "Culture Shock USA: Dealing with Culture Shock." This is a last of the four parts of this series. Moving in Part IV, we have our attention on how to deal with nervousness and anxiety resulting from culture shock.

Dealing with anxiety and nervousness

It 'very important to deal with all your fears before you start building your American dream lifestyle. Fear takes the commitment of shares. If the action taken pursuantShadow of fear, lack of commitment, total commitment and all that is not what you do not get the desired result.

Fear is one of the most common feelings experienced by people when they arrive in a foreign country. The fear of the unknown is one of the worst forms of anxiety that we feel. Before going on, how to get to dealing with fear, to know its meaning for you, that the act of moving to a foreign country and a new culture that needs to yourself, courage, and I respect that you areThis first step. Continuing to make decisions and act with the same courage that is exactly what you do.

What is fear? Fear can only be described as follows:

F - Fake

E - Evidence

A - Appearing

R - Real

Napoleon Hill, author of best-selling success of "Think and Grow Rich", wrote in his book that indecision, doubt and fear are the three main enemies to succeed. Often the lack of fear to act.

Adoubtful mind has no capacity to take measures.

Indecision and doubt turns into a powerful negative force combined with fear.

Fear of the unknown can be solved to decide and act. Decisions and actions are the engine of life. A common habit of most successful people in the world is their habit to make decisions quickly and change these decisions slowly, if any changes needed in the first place.

We tend toEmployees fear of pain. Tony Robbins, in his bestselling book "Awaken the Giant Within", writes about how pain and pleasure are the two forces control life.

"Learn the secret of success is how pain and pleasure, instead of using pain and pleasure to use. In this case, you are in control of your life. If you do not, life controls you."

- Anthony Robbins

The same goes for fear. If you do not control your fear to control fear.

Readingonce again.

If you do not control the fear, your fear to control

Their fears can paralyze you or you or he can inspire. Susan Jeffers, author of "feel the fear and Do It Anyway", describes in his book, like fear, if they are able to convert fresh hold, inspired to act. The anxiety, negative emotion may be a strong positive emotion of power in terms of anticipation and a challenge to convert.

Learn more about American culture and American systems assumemassive action. A massive intervention is a great way to learn something new in life. It's so easy to understand how the measures will be successful if the following wording:

Success is the result of common sense.

Good sense comes from experience.

Experience comes from massive change.

Massive Action comes from the lack of success on the first try.

Think about it. If you've never failed, you would never have gained valuable experience. Without experience, acan not develop a good sense. Without an informed assessment of success is impossible. It 'clear that inevitably leads to this lack of success if you remain persistent and committed.

Thomas Edison was struggling with a flashlight for months to develop. He was a young reporter who boldly asked Mr. Edison if he felt like a failure, and if he, he should just give up now questioned thought. Puzzled Edison replied: "Young man, because I feel like a failure, and why shouldWe never give up? I definitely know now more than 9,000 species that no longer work an electric light bulb. Success is practically in my hands. "And soon after, and more than 10,000 experiments, Edison invented the light bulb.

Often the fear is nothing but lack of experience. Can not be with us something to be afraid the first time. If you fear something, like driving on the motorway, to teach someone how to drive on motorways. How you learnmost of it for more knowledge, not a stranger to be more.

Competence gives you confidence, which in turn gives massive powers. Gain expertise in the areas of your fear. so here, if you are to gain from maintaining skills and discussions (see Chapter 5). These skills will give you confidence and in turn increase your skills. This can be applied to any other sector.

In the next chapter I will share with you the exact details of whatThe nature of the actions you take to create and live your life the American dream needs, but before this is very important that you are actually from all fears and doubts spirit.

Burn the Ships

And 'natural for you, your mother tongue, culture and the country lacks the most in times of struggle. In these moments of struggle, the feeling of fear with sweet memories of the homeland and mixed borders your courage to act with full force. I saw peoplebefore we give up. I saw people's decisions to return home before the effort is 100% the creation of the American dream lives there. The truth is - anyone can create and live the American dream of his life in this land of American dreams and happiness.

Hernan Cortes, conqueror of a great Spanish could gain the conquest of the Aztec Empire to be something unimaginable. He was always ready, the war in the enemy army to fight to clear his army in number, and wasalmost impossible for him to lose his opponents in war. He and his army sailed in enemy country and, once there, he ordered his army to the ships that came to destroy. There was no way for them to go home to win the war. After the ships destroyed, they arrived, he knew that he and his soldiers that die, he had no choice - or that they had won, or should. His army, knowing they earn no choice but to fight, had a total passion. They can leadwon the battle that made history.

About Action fully committed to the success of the results to be achieved, despite the odds get. However, if you follow different paths at once, can not be completely tied to a particular result. This may weaken your actions and, finally, check out the most desired result - the result of the creation of your life the American dream.

That concludes the series of articles "Culture Shock USA: FacingWith Culture Shock. "Hope that the information presented in this series has contributed to a successful transition into American culture.

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