Saturday, June 5, 2010

Job Interview Secret - A Positive Closing in the Job Interview

Regardless of your personal style or how you choose to close the interview, it will depend on your personality, the interview situation, and the job for which you are applying. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Leave your interviewer with a positive impression.

Share at least five skills or positive traits you want interviewer to remember you by. Choose competencies that may be required for the job (e.g. strong communication, able to work well in groups, excellent organization skills, mentoring/training skills, ability to work with difficult customers, technical knowledge etc.)

Confirm your interest.

Reconfirm your interest in the position and tell what added value you can bring to the job.

Is there anything else you can provide.

Examples include references, transcripts, background information, certifications, and work samples.

Ask about the next step in the employment process.

It's important for you to know the next step for follow up. Ask for the decision date, and how many more candidates are there to interview.

Find out how to contact the interviewer.

If you don't hear back, ask if you may call the interviewer. Ask for a business card or contact email/phone number if possible.

Closing the job interview is important; your closing should be positive and leave the interviewer with you in mind. Remembering these points will help you determine which closing is appropriate for you and the situation. A well researched topic in Psychology is the "recency effect" that is when someone remembers the last item on a list more easily than the ones in the middle. That is people are more apt to remember the most recent items presented. Interviewers are no different, so end the job interview on a positive note and make a lasting impression.



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