Monday, June 21, 2010

2009 - The economy is up or down?

In 2009, everyone wants to know: It 's the economy goes up or down?

Can the past predict the future? This is a normal cycle? It 's a recession? The recession is over?

There are several causes of the recent economic turmoil, as we all know. One is the amount of borrowing money on credit and the sudden need for people to be their income or cash back, this did not happen to be expected. How can we learn to prepare and that event or experience?

Now, every 25 or 45 years orThere is a great cycle, a big change to transform the economy. Why? This is usually caused by a large transfer of technology or transfer of assets. Otherwise we would do the same thing every year after year. We all still farmers or we'd all still of working age in industrial plants. But this is not the case, what happens next?

For some information on changes in the economy in different sectors and check out The To find information on weather U.S. economic controls

There are some technologies are changing the way the world thinks of business and a couple of problems with the environment and the economy and the future for society as a whole. Three technologies which are energy, Internet and biotechnology. There have been major advances in recent years in the energy sector. In particular, the energy was taken from soil andcontinue to do so. But now we are in heaven. Wind energy, solar energy, to name a few. There will be combinations, then there is competition for some sources, up to sources of market dominance.

In the Internet sector, there are many new technologies, most of them seem to be those social network sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others abound in touch minded people or groups as interest, or in search of a context orEntertainment. In 2009, the development of relations between cultures, without which the journey is more important for businesses.

Biotechnology is becoming increasingly important in 2009. As we continue to deplete resources objective of progress for humanity, we continue to destroy the resources we need. So far, "talk is cheap" and reforestation or renewal of resources is necessary in our world seems unlikely. It will take advances in biotechnology to develop new systems to acquire and develop methodsdevelop resources. It might be something in advance, the recycling industry, slow and selective. The human race can advance through the development of new technologies in agriculture and food processing can also learn that can recharge, ground to earn more profits in the long term. As we learned in previous years, think longer term than any industry can be a good thing.

All the best for 2009!



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