Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is Becoming a Travel Nurse For You?

As the demand rises for nursing jobs in the USA, it is certainly a great profession to look into. If you plan to become a registered nurse, or already are one, you may want to look into the great opportunities of becoming a travel nurse.

This may cause a significant problem, because the nurses who are of the baby boomer generation may be retiring very soon, and this will put an extreme burden on the entire medical profession.

Due to this demand, many companies are encouraging people to enter the nursing profession, providing incentives and bonuses if they become a travel nurse and/or relocate. When one becomes a travel nurse, the nursing agency actually helps pay your moving costs, as well as find adequate housing for you. Provisions for a 401k, health insurance, dental insurance and other types of benefits may also be offered as incentives.

When deciding to become a traveling nurse, it is important that you have at least 1 year of experience under your belt. This is because many nursing agencies will not consider you if you have less - essentially, 12 months is the minimum requirement. Perhaps there are certain areas in nursing that you want to specialize in. With this experience, you will be placed into an appropriate hospital or health clinic, specializing in your area of expertise.

Becoming a travel nurse also allows you to gain expertise in a wide array of fields, especially if you choose an assignment which lasts up to 14 weeks. Of course, housing will be provided for you, but if you choose your own, a significant portion can be subsidized. Within this arrangement, you can choose the position you want, the type of health facilities you would like to work in, and how long you would like to remain in that position. If all works out well when you complete the terms of the assignment, you may be offered a permanent position there, or you could simply decide to search for another assignment in another locale.

As a traveling nurse, you can offer a form of nursing assistance which is in high demand. You will be exposing yourself to meeting new people, addressing new situations, and experiencing many sudden, hands-on learning experiences which you may not otherwise encounter. Another great benefit in trying your hand as a travel nurse is that you will not get bored with your surroundings, and you will not get burned out after working in one place for too long of a period of time.

In closing, becoming a travel nurse is an excellent opportunity for you to find out what is being offered where to those in the nursing profession. You will be able to discern where there is a market for your services, what the pay scale may be, and consider the possibility of permanent relocation - enjoying a new area while at the same time enhancing your skills in the nursing profession.

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