Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cover Letters - The Secret to Making Your Cover Letter a Must-Read!

Do you Need to draw attention to your cover letter?

How do you write it so that the hiring manager just can not put it down?

The Number 1 Secret! Meet and exceed the employer's needs. Show the employer how you, the job seeker, can benefit their company when you are hired to fill the open position.

For example:

I have become aware through my friend, Roland Johanson, your company CFO, that you are interested in hiring an expert to expand your sales territory in the Southern USA by gaining more new customers before the release of your new textbook for high school students, Sciences for the new Century.

I am ready to take on this challenge, as I have a degree in Science and experience in sales. I opened 20 new accounts in less than six months while employed by Advanced Learning Text book Company out of New York.

I would welcome a meeting with you in person to discuss how your priorities for this position and my expertise can come together to benefit your company.

I will call you by Friday of this week to schedule an appointment that fits your busy schedule. If you would like to speak before then, please call or email me using the contact info listed below.

Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself. I am enthusiastic about meeting you in person to see how we can support one another in filling this opening at your company.

Sure Fire Success!

When it comes to writing cover letters, the above example, which you can change to fit the specific company that you are writing to, can not be ignored. Everyone wants and needs to succeed. You want to get an interview that leads to a job offer. The hiring manager wants to interview someone that will fit the position that is available. If you can demonstrate how you can meet and exceed that need, you will be called for that interview.

REMEMBER: HR professionals and Hiring managers need you to do the job that they are looking to fill. They need to hire people to fill the positions that are open at their company. Help them make the right decision by making them look good and show them the benefits you can bring to the job.

The important thing to remember is to let your cover letter work for you and not against you. Focus on what the hiring manager needs and in turn, they will give you what you want. An interview for the job of your dreams!



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