Friday, March 26, 2010

Using Interview Advice in Your Job Search

Interview Tips & Advice

Managers, professionals and executives are usually articulate individuals with
excellent career and track records. They often do poorly in interviews because
of a lack of serious preparation, and the belief that their accomplishments will
speak for themselves.

There can easily be hundreds of job applicants competing with you for the same
position. Never think you are the only job candidate and never underestimate those
who are competing with you. Unfortunately accomplishments don't speak for themselves
and a well-prepared candidate with highly-developed interview skills often gets a
position over a better qualified candidate that was poorly prepared.

For mid level and higher positions the interview is not only used for gathering
information about a candidate's experience and qualifications, it is a method of
assessing management and presentation skills. Every aspect of the entire
interview process is evaluated. Companies are not only interested in the
candidate's qualifications but how well the individual will fit into the

The biggest mistake in interviewing is not being fully prepared. Job Seekers must
use every conceivable means possible to prepare for the interview and to allow
ample time to fully prepare. Understand that interviewing is a skill and as with
all skills, preparation and practice enhance the quality of that skill. Preparation
can make the difference between getting an offer and getting rejected.

There is no one best way to prepare for an interview. Rather, there are specific
and important strategies to enhance one's chances for interview success.
Research sample interview questions and
answers, learn about the various types of interview techniques. Research the
company, industry trends and prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer.
If you don't know what to expect it is unlikely that you will be able to
successfully convey your qualifications and interest in the position. Studies
show that most interviewers are looking for reasons not to hire a candidate
so you must overcome this resistance.

Tips for Your Job Search

Most managers, professionals and executives do not have much experience interviewing
from the candidate's side of the desk and should investigate the expert advice in
the Interview Directory. Interviewing is a skill that requires preparation and you
must anticipate and be prepared to answer all the possible questions you may be asked.



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