Friday, March 5, 2010

Job Search Methods and Techniques

Job Search can take months of time and effort. An employee can speed up the process by using many methods to find job openings. Researches find that people who use many job search methods find jobs faster than a people who use only one or two. Here are some methods are described to find a job.

School and college career placement offices. School and college placement offices help their students to find jobs. Some invite recruiters to use their facilities for interviews and career fairs. Most offer career counseling, career testing and Job Search advice.

Employers. Directly contacting employers is one of the most successful means of Job Search. Through internet research and library, develop a list of potential employers in your desired career field and then call these employers and check their web sites for job openings.

Classified ads. The "Help Wanted" ads in daily newspapers and the internet list numerous jobs, and many people find work by responding to these ads. You should keep a record of all ads to which you have responded, including the specific skills, educational background, and personal qualifications required for the position.

Professional associates. Many professions have associations that offer employment information, including career planning, educational programs, job placement and job listings. Job Search information can be obtained directly from an association through the internet, by mail or by telephone.

Community agencies. Many non profit organizations, including vocational rehabilitation agencies, and religious institutions, offer counseling, career development, and job placement services, generally targeted to a particular group, such as women, youth, minorities, ex-offenders, or older workers.

Internet Job Search. Using the internet in Job Search is not necessarily easy. It crosses a variety of information resources and services. It includes many job hunting websites with job listening. To find good prospects; begin with an internet Job Search using keywords related to the job you want. Use forums specific to your profession or to career-related topics to post questions or messages and to read about the job search or career experiences of other people.



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